(C. 27) Belladonna

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A/N It's a Dazai fic, it had to come in here somewhere.


"Ah! How you wound me, Belladonna!" Dazai exclaimed, a hand to his chest in false pain in response to some snide remark Y/n had made as they walked over to where Chuuya waited for them.

"Belladonna?" Y/n repeated, eyebrows raised, "What happened to Shark? I liked Shark better."

"The rest of the world can call you Shark, but you will be my downfall." he cheekily replied and Y/n lightly shoved him.

"Keep your suicide obsession away from me, gross."

"You know, the ancient Greeks allegedly even used it as a painkiller and sedative. My salvation and my downfall."

"Shut up." Y/n rolled her eyes.

They had reached Chuuya by now and came to a stop at his side. The redhead looked at his watch pointedly.

"Y/n forgot her shoes all the way back in her room." Dazai explained.

"And of course, you had to go with her." Chuuya replied, unamused.

"I tried to get him to go ahead of me, he wouldn't listen."

Chuuya sighed, shaking his head.

"Well, let's get going. We're running behind schedule."

"I don't know why the boss needs all three of us to go extort some dude." Y/n groaned as they began walking towards their destination, "This is soooo dumb."

"Well, you're not actually helping." Chuuya revealed, his cheeks flushing red, "You guys are actually here to kinda, grade me?"

"Grade you?" Y/n repeated, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, Mori wants to, you know, make me an executive?"

"Chuuya!" Y/n yelled, "How could you not tell us that!? What the heck man!?"

"My little protege, all grown up." Dazai sniffed, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye.

"Seems a little biased though," Y/n thought aloud, "I mean, we are your best friends. Are we really the ones to grade you?"

"That one," Chuuya said, pointing at Dazai, "would lie through his teeth if it meant I failed at something and you would do the same if it meant I succeeded. Besides, we're meeting the last judge there."

"I guess we do kind of balance one another out." Dazai said with a wink and Y/n ignored him.

"Who is it we're meeting there?" she asked.

"Big sis is coming."

"Koyo? I've never really spent much time with her before, this should be interesting."

Chuuya had passed of course, with flying colors. Y/n and Dazai had stood proudly behind him in Mori's office as he had received his official title, celebrating by sneaking out of the Mafia for drinks that night. They flourished in the late August night, drinking expensive wine straight from the bottle. 

Being a lightweight and the center of the celebration meant that Chuuya, of course, had ended up drinking far too much. Dazai had carried him back to his room at around two in the morning, Y/n by his side and helping to make sure they all got home safe in their altered states. After making sure Chuuya was in bed, which took some effort as he kept trying to convince Y/n and Dazai that it was actually two in the afternoon and that they should be training, the pair retreated to the hallway.

Dazai shut the door with a soft click and turned to find Y/n watching him closely.

"What is it, do I have something on my face?" he joked and Y/n shook her head, shoving her hands into the pockets of her jeans.

"No, I just like your hair."

Dazai felt his cheeks grow warm and tried to play it off.

"My Belladonna is being nice to me for once, what a treat!" he exclaimed and Y/n laughed.

"I'm nice to you all the time."

"Nicer than I deserve."

They fell silent, still standing across from one another on either side of Chuuya's closed door. Y/n shook her head.

"You always put yourself down like that, I wish you'd be kinder."

"That's why I have you." he smiled down at her.

"I like it when you're drunk, you're all soft."

"You know," Dazai began, putting a finger to his chin in false recollection, "I think I've heard that somewhere before."

"I am sure one of the many girls chasing after you has thrust such flattery upon your ears in the past." Y/n joked, crossing her arms across her chest, not catching the point behind his words.

"It was you, actually." Dazai clarified.

Recognition spread across her face.

"When... oh my godddd, how am I so dumb." she let her head fall into her hands, laughing at her own forgetfulness.

"Hey," Dazai warned, "if I'm not allowed to be mean to myself, you can't be mean to yourself."

"God, you're such a loser." 

She looked up at him once again, her arms falling to her sides.

"You must be mistaking me for a mirror again." Dazai teased and Y/n shook her head, a smile coming across her face.

"I never did thank you." she said after a moment.

"For what?" 

"For the other night."

"Nothing to thank me for, Belladonna. I didn't do a thing."

"You're really not gonna drop that one, are you."


"You did a lot, Dazai. You do a lot for me all the time. You have for so long now, and I have never thanked you for any of it. Not since that first onigiri."

"I remember that, you were so different then. You've come so far since then."

"Its because of you."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is." she insisted, "You were right, that day. When you said I never would have thought to join the Port Mafia unless you had. Without your insistent nagging, I would still be right where I started probably. I'd still be alone."

"I don't think that is true, Y/n."

"Why not?"

Dazai sighed.

"You're too headstrong, too stubborn. I'm certain you would have done something eventually."

"You gave me something to move towards." she explained, shaking her head slightly, "You showed me what sort of a life I could have."

"You would have figured it out eventually."

"You have too much faith in me."

"No, just the right amount I think."

Y/n let out a big yawn.

"God, I'm tired." she mumbled, rubbing one of her eyes as she began to move towards the door of her own room, "I think I'm gonna get some sleep. Or try to, at any rate."

"Sleep well." Dazai said, beginning to head towards his room as well.

"You too." she responded.

"Goodnight, Belladonna."

Y/n rolled her eyes and laughed at the name.

"God, you're insatiable." she scoffed, "Goodnight, Dazai."

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