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"In the beginning, the universe was null and Void.
Out of that Void, the Creator formed the high heavens and His messengers.
God then laid the foundations for a new realm, not for His angels
But for humankind, the second most powerful beings next to Him." ..... Neriah Light-wielder to Lucian Najm


 "Tell me a story, mummy!" Elia whined. "Tell me one I don't know. Tell me about Genesis!" Neriah silenced her. "It doesn't have a happy ending, daughter." Elia pouted. "I still want to know, mummy."  Neriah sighed. Perhaps it was time Elia knew where she came from. "There is a high heaven and a hell beneath us. Angels and demons exist hidden in the shadows, obscured by The Veil. Very few humans have been blessed or cursed to see beyond it and gaze upon the true nature of the universe. They see it all living and dead, celestial and infernal. It's about time you knew of it all.
  Our Father, the Creator, God, made the high heavens and then, angels: spirits pledged to serve and worship Him only. All was good, but then He wanted more. He believed in a greater plan for the universe, so He fashioned a new world beneath His kingdom and gave it everything nice and beautiful: light, plants, water, animals. You see, a new paradise was formed with no one to occupy it and perhaps in wishful thinking, or boredom, (his spirit servants really made everything bland and monotone), He created a whole new species. A species that looked like him, had sharp wit, pure innocence, curiosity and free will. This species became his best friends who loved dearly and spent time with every single day. They loved Him too, for he created them uniquely amongst all the other creatures in their world. The rising problem you see, is that some of his early creations weren't pleased with the new recipients of His love and affection....

  They thought it wasn't fair. Father created us first, Father made them in his own image, Father spends too much time with them, Father makes them feel more important than us. They'd think over and over again. God loved them all equally, he had no favorites. They just didn't know it. And when their Father felt their increasing agitation, He explained things to them.  The angels were made to serve Him, not bully His creations and question His decisions. The new race, humans, were just like Him. He gave them souls and with it, power. Just as He ruled the higher cosmos, his new creations: Adam and Eve would rule their paradise Earth.

  The angels went back to their routine chores, singing and dancing, giving their Father glory. As they should. Except somebody couldn't take it any longer. Somebody is actually called Lucifer, the light bringer. Lucifer was closest to God, most perfect and beautiful. Everybody had a crush on him. And his voice! His singing always made his brothers and sisters cry with glee. Father would always smile proudly when he sang. He was highest among all his innumerable siblings and now humans wanted to usurp his post?

  He started thinking. Why should the humans rule while he served? Why did any of his siblings have to keep glorifying their Father? Why did their Father have to sit on that big throne and call the shots? Why not him? He shouldn't be the one worshipping, he deserved the worship! All the honor and glory should be rightfully his. And he was going to get it. By any means.

  He planned with a select number of his strongest and most powerful siblings. They would revolt and change heaven. They could control the entire universe, not Father. And after seizing power, he could throw Him out to Earth with his precious children.  When the time came, he staged the mutiny, perfectly.

  It was during the moment of worship he struck. He took his usual position at the front, leading the rest of the singers. In worship, they all bowed, except him. He eyed that throne, never again would he bow to it!

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