Chapter 11: Up and Down Uptown

Start from the beginning

Y/n: Your pranking me right?

Your eyes flickered between them looking for a sign that they'd been pulling an elaborate joke on you, however you only managed to see Kyoko's baffled grimace as Misako clutched her face in exasperation.

Misako: No. Now turn around before you back into something and hurt yourself.

It was your turn roll your eyes as you shot back at Misako with a confident (IE: smug) grin.

Y/n: Relax Misako, I'm not gonna run into anythi-waagh!

Your voice cut off into a startled cry as accidentally backed into something and got knocked off your feet. Feeing yourself plummet, you closed your eyes and braced yourself for another hard landing. But the fall never came as suddenly you felt yourself being caught by a pair of strong arms. Surprised, you opened your eyes only to be hit by a full body flush after seeing who'd caught you. Towering over you by almost a foot, the girls body was nothing but sloping athletic curves and a lean musclur physique. Your throat was parched just trailing your across the rigid abs exposed by her tied off shirt.

 Your throat was parched just trailing your across the rigid abs exposed by her tied off shirt

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????: Hey you okay?

Her voice snapped you out of ogling her and log enough to look back up at her face, which only sent you spiraling deeper into your blushing panic seeing a pretty face and cute tomboyish haircut. Embarrassed and unable to vocalize properly, you practically leapt out of the Amazonian girl's arms while trying and failing to devolve into a blushing stuttering mess. Luckily a familiar redheaded voice was quick to draw the hot girl's attention while you composed yourself.

Kyoko: Oh hey, it's Yoko

Hearing her name, the newly dubbed Yoko turned to see Kyoko and Misako. Instantly a flash of recognition went through Yoko's eyes as she gave the two a friendly smile.

Yoko: Oh sup Kyoko. Sup Misako.

Misako gave the tomboy a nod in greeting however Kyoko ever the more enthusiastic of the two was fast to strike up a conversation.

Kyoko: Gosh, it feels like we haven't seen you in forever how you been?

Yoko: Eh, been busy with practice. Just got out actually..

Kyoko: Cool! Oh yeah by the way this is-

You didn't let her finish before stepping forward, face bright pink as you stuck a hand out the cute girl you totally weren't still freaking out over.

Y/n: Hi, I'm Y/n their new single friend! It's nice to meet you.

Kyoko and Misako shared an exasperated look while Yoko just stared at you looking confused. Eventually the athletic girl took your hand, albeit a bit awkwardly.

Yoko: Uh yeah.

Her strong grip left you feeling weak in the knees as you stepped back feeling proud of yourself for doing such a perfect introduction and not noticing the fed up glare Misako was sending you...and Yoko. Luckily only Kyoko seems to notice her bestie's attitude as she steered the conversation away.

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