Chapter 9 A Little Kindness

Start from the beginning

"If anyone's gonna be on my team its has to be you."Apo says in a arrogant manner

"Aww that's kinda nice.Why do you say that? I say and look up at him

"Because we need a team pet that will set us apart from the others." Apo smirks at me.

"Then it's a good thing your team has you." I smirk and Apos face drops.

"To be honest I want to be on Jeff's team." I say truthfully

"Oh really?"

"Yes more than anything, I sung his song earlier I was happy that I got to perform infront of him." I smile proud of myself, I love his music and i've always wanted to meet him.

"Then I will do my absolute best t--" I grab Apos arms and swing it around happily.He raises his eyebrow at me confused by my behavior.

Thanks Apo you're the best I knew you had a bit of kindness in your dark heart underneath all those layers of ice!"

"Let me finish my sentence Abby. I will do my absolute best to make sure that you by all means nessasary.Don't end up on his team." I let his arm go and glare at him.

"Why did you play with my feelings like that?"

"To be honest you played yourself.Thats what you get for interrupting me."

"Why would you do that? I want to be on his team. You can try to sabotage but it won't work because he's fighting to get me on his team too." Apo looks at me an evil grin appears on his face.

"What I say goes you will be on my team. No ifs, ands or buts."

"And who are you to decide that I'll be on your team.Their are leaders much older than you on the mentor panel.They're not going to listen to you.Age comes first on the hierarchy."

" Oh sweetheart thats so cute that you think that but you couldn't be more wrong.Age doesn't come first on this industrys hierarchy, money does.And guess who's funding this entire show."
I look at him in complete disbelief

"It better not be who I think it is."

"You guessed it kid, I am.Oh and by the way another quick thing.You left my hotel the other day. Why"

" Of course I did because it's your hotel."

"Yep but here's what you didn't realize you left one of my hotels to go to another one of my hotels." I look at him completely shocked by this information.But I didn't want to show him how surprised I was so I put on my best unbothered look.

"So what i'll just go to another one farther away." Apo chuckles

"What is it now grandpa?" Apo stops laughing and looks at me with an irrated look then it changes to a smirk.

"I own almost everything in Thailand." I look at him not believing a single word he says

"That's not even physically or financially possible.Your a millionaire yes but your not that rich."

"Oh but I am. I've learned from a young age about business and how to invest in property.And with my money I decided to become part owner of many different buildings in Thailand.Especially ones that give me the biggest benefit." My poker face falls and I bite my lip in frustration.Apo leans in close to me.

"That means in every hotel you go to I can find you." I push Apo away.

"So what you creep.I wont be staying here that long."

"Oh but you will."

" Wait does that mean that you rigged the competition? Thats a bit to far even for the likes of you. " I stare at him angrily

"Lets not be stupid.I am funding it but I wouldn't rig it that's no fun.I just have my ways to assure that things get done the way I like them to.

"I dont even wanna know what those are."

"I would never tell you anyway kid."

"Dont you hate me? Why would you want me on your team?

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

"You don't have either so that dosent really answer my question." Apo flicks me on my forehead.

"Ow grandpa you don't have to hit me with your full strength."  I gently rub my now aching forehead .Apo gets up and walks over to the door opening it.I follow close behind him he turns and looks at me.

"I'm leaving now make sure you eat and get some rest for tomorrow ." I lean closer to Apo he stands still looking at me with anticipation.I flick his forehead making him flinch away in pain.

"Goodnight Gramps." I close the door quickly in his face.He tries to open it again so I lock it.

"Thats okay I got you tomorrow." I watch him through the peephole.He looks at the door one last time amd smiles then walks away to his room.

In a very strange way i'm looking forward to tommrrow.I don't know if thats because of the competition or the annoying mentor thats just left my room smiling at my door.I lie down in my bed closing my eyes a smile on my face for the rest of the night.

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