Chapter 6

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Alternate title: One Punch Woman! 

"I think Alexander is cheating on you."

No, she didn't say that once she came in.

She had sat down with her sister and they chatted a little about both of their lives, and the lives of their friends.

Angelica slowly slipped into the subject by mentioning Peggy being there at the wine tasting.

Eliza nodded obliviously and talked about how the two of them gossiped the night away.

Angelica asked why she didn't see Hamilton later in the evening.

Eliza was surprised because everyone knows that what happens at a wine tasting, stays in a wine tasting. But she answered her nonetheless.

She said that Alex took John to the toilet and then back home because Laurens got sick.

Angelica pursed her lips.

Eliza noticed and asked what was wrong.

Which brings you up to speed.


"I think Alexander is cheating on you with Laurens." Angelica clarified.

"I..." Eliza blinked more than a few times.

"It's okay if you want to cry," The elder sister assured her. "It's okay if you want to break something too, I suggest his bones."

Through her shocked demeanor, a short laugh escaped at that. "How do— how did you... where..."

"Last night, I saw them making out in a room near the toilet." Angelica explained, holding her sister's hands and offering a gentle, sad smile.

"I see." Eliza nodded once.

"I'm sorry." Angelica whispered. "I will beat him to within an inch of his life if you want."

"I— no!" Eliza pulled back her hands. "No, I'll handle this on my own. Promise me you won't hurt him!"

Angelica hesitated. "I... you know I can't do that."

"Angelica!" Eliza was clearly distressed. About the wrong thing, really.

Angelica sighed. "I promise to not break any bones?"

Eliza was unimpressed.

"Okay, I promise I won't cause any lasting damage!" Angelica hoped that would work.

And it did. "Fine." Eliza sighed.

A beat passed.

"What will you do?" Angelica asked gently.

Eliza shook her head, bewildered. "I— I'll talk to him."

Angelica raised a brow. "You know I'm here if you need anything. Whatever it is!"

"I know." Eliza smiled kindly at her. "But he's my husband and he did something... bad... so I'll handle it on my own."

Angelica nodded, understandingly. "Just don't burn the house down."

Eliza laughed, "When did I ever do that?"

"You came close to it with your high school boyfriend, remember?"

"I was just burning the notes he sent me!"

"Inside our home! Pretty dangerous, if you ask me!"

And they went back to playful banter.

When Angelica left, she gave Eliza a kiss on the cheek and made her promise she'd call her if she needed anything. "Even if it's watching TV and eating ice cream!"

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