Chapter 4

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The Wine Tasting (Part 3) 

Angelica found her boyfriend talking to Maria and Peggy who seemed to be joined at the hip since they met.

"Babe!" He called out when he saw her. "Peggy is here, did you know?"

"Yes, John, I talked to her just now, excuse us." She smiled tightly at her friend and sister, and dragged him away.

"Oh okay," John looked at her. "We'll talk later!" He waved the girls off and allowed Angelica to drag him away.

Maria gave her a worried look, Peggy a raised brow.

They were halfway to the drinks table when John asked her what's up.

"I wanna get drunk and I wanna get drunk with you." She replied simply.

"But then who's gonna drive us back?"

Angelica cursed, trying to think of a way around it.

John waited for her.

"Okay fine." She sighed. "I'll drink alone. But make sure I don't do anything stupid."

John chuckled. "Yes ma'am."

She nodded and continued towards the drinks table.

Things after that get very hazy.

Angelica remembered drinking a lot of wine and avoiding a lot of cheese.

She did try this one type of cheese. She's not sure what it was called but it did NOT go well with Riesling.

And Angelica was rushing to the toilet, the contents of her stomach jumping up to her throat.

After puking out most of the wine, cheese and her dinner from earlier, Angelica left the toilet feeling a little more sober.

Which is why she remembered the scene she saw very clearly.

A door on the other side of the hallway was cracked open and Angelica was giddy when she peaked inside, feeling like a teenager collecting gossip and dirt on people she didn't even know.

But she did know them.

And that was the problem.

The image she saw would haunt her for the entirety of next week.

Alexander Hamilton and his close 'buddy' John Laurens were sucking off each other's faces, like there's no tomorrow.

Hands going under shirts and pulling on hair. Loud breathing and quietened moaning.

Angelica felt like she might visit the bathroom again.

She left the hallway and downed a bottle of some kind of wine she won't remember the name of in the morning, trying her best to forget what she just saw.

"Woah, slow down, you okay?" Maria tried to stop her but Angelica didn't bother with her until the bottle was empty.

"Erase my memory." She slurred at her friend.

"Obviously not okay." Maria nodded. "I'll get John, you better head home."

In the time Maria left her, Angelica remembered talking to someone else.
She's not really sure who it was, except that it was a man.

"Someone looks like they saw a ghost."

"Worse." Angelica gagged.

The man stepped back in alarm. "Clearly."

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