Chapter 3

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The Wine Tasting (Part 2) 

Angelica strode away from Jefferson, to Eliza, her husband and Laurens.

After handing Hamilton his drink she excused herself to find John.

Then she proceeded to stroll around the room avoiding Jefferson and making polite conversation with the guests.

She realized that she didn't even know the host, and so finding them and offering her respects became imperative.

She bumped into a beautiful woman who she might've seen once at the office, a client, she thinks.

"Oh, hello." Angelica smiled at her.

"Hi," The woman's face took on that expression when one is trying to recognize someone.

"You don't know me," Angelica assured her, "But I feel like I've seen you somewhere..."

The woman's brows furrowed but then her face lit up. "You work at Washington's law firm?"

That startled Angelica. "Uh- yes, actually. How did you-?"

"Oh, my fiancé used to work there!"

"No way! You're Burr's girl?"

The lady nodded excitedly, "I'm Theodosia Bartow."

"Angelica Schuyler." They shook hands. "I gotta say, it's nice to finally meet the someone Burr decided to put a ring on. Some of us at the office were scared he was gonna die alone." She joked.

"It took a while but he managed to propose." Theodosia smiled serenely. "He says it's thanks to Mr. Hamilton, do you know him?"

Angelica blinked several times. "Hamilton, you say?"

Theodosia nodded. "Apparently he works for the firm too!"

"I know Hamilton, he really helped Burr propose?" She tried her best to hide her skepticism.

"It's hard to believe, I know." Burr appeared, placing his hand around Theodosia's waist and kissing her cheek. "But I could swear to you it's true."

"Well, this is a story I have to hear!"

"Tell her, Aaron!" Theodosia looked adoringly at him.

"Fine," Burr smiled. Smiled! "It's not much of a story really. Alexander just told me to stop waiting and 'go get her' if I loved her. And I did. And so I proposed."

"When did this happen?" Angelica smiled at the sweet couple.

"Some time after my divorce." Theodosia shrugged.

Angelica raised her brows in disbelief.

"Oh don't worry, we were dating long before that." Theodosia rushed to assure her.

"I'd be worried if you weren't." Angelica laughed. "But that's why I recognize you! I've seen you at the office. Who was your lawyer?"

"William." Burr answered her.

"Weirdo William from the sixth floor?" She whispered, worried.

"No," Burr chuckled. "William Van Ness, from the eighth floor."

"Oh, he's good." Angelica nodded, "Good choice." She praised Theodosia.

"I had some help." Theodosia giggled, looking at her future husband.

Angelica thought they were the cutest couple at the time. "It's sad to go to the office and see your empty desk, Burr."

"They didn't hire a replacement yet?" Burr seemed confused.

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