26. Positive Alex.

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Location: Waverly sub station.

Waverly Substation, where the lively banter of the Russo family and their friends sets the tone for an entertaining evening. Justin and Zeke enter with excitement, eager to share some "big news."

"We have big news everybody!" Justin declared, a wide grin on his face.

Alex, always ready with a sarcastic remark, quipped, "Anything about alien language league is neither big nor news."

Ignoring his sister's comment, Justin continued, "As part of my quest to experience everything during my senior year, I have joined, THE BASKETBALL TEAM!"

He turned to Alex, anticipating her usual teasing, "Big news, not boring."

"He is the first ever member of the alien language league to ever make it to an organized sports team. Try to make fun of that!" Zeke chimed in, crossing his arms with a smirk.

"You just did," Alex giggled, never one to miss a chance for a quick comeback.

"Honey, are you sure you made the team?" Theresa asked with a hint of skepticism.

"Yeah, sometimes when the coach says 'thank you,' he means 'yeah, you can go now,'" Jerry added, injecting his usual humor.

"Yeah, I made the team. They only cut one guy," Justin explained, shooting a knowing look at Zeke.

"But I'm cool with it," Zeke assured everyone, maintaining his laid-back attitude.

"Now that you're a cheerleader, Alex, we should come up with a cheer for Justin," Harper suggested, adding to the playful atmosphere.

"Oh my gosh! Yes, let's go, yeah!" Alex exclaimed enthusiastically, ready to dive into the cheerleading spirit.

"Give me an R!" Alex cheered, kicking off the cheer.

"R!" Harper and Zeke echoed, playing along as makeshift cheerleaders.

"Give me a U!" Alex continued, the mischievous glint in her eye evident.

"Oh, she is spelling, Russo!" Justin noted with a chuckle.

"Give me a 'Are you kidding me?'" Alex rolled her eyes, crossing her arms in mock exasperation.

The group sighed, embracing the sarcasm that defined their interactions.


Location: Tribeca Prep High School.

The cheerleading squad, including Alex, Harper, and Zeke, prepared for the upcoming basketball game. The cheerleaders rallied with their energetic chants.

"Come on, crowd, yell real loud! Let's go, turkeys!" they cheered, their voices resonating in the gym. Alex, with a mischievous glint in her eye, had a megaphone pressed against her mouth, stifling laughter.

"See what I did there?" she chuckled. "I was supposed to say 'Go turkeys,' but I said 'eat turkeys." Her laughter filled the air.

"I gave a megaphone to a mega-mouth." Harper, with a sigh and an eye-roll, snatched the megaphone. Mr. Laritate entered the scene with a disapproving look.

"Ms. Russo, the role of a cheerleader is to keep the crowd engaged in dangerous situations, not to mock them," he remarked, shaking his head.

"No, no, Mr. Laritate, I'm not mocking the crowd," Alex retorted with a smirk. "I am mocking the team." She flashed a mischievous smile as Mr. Laritate sighed and walked away.

Noticing Y/N in the crowd, Alex waved enthusiastically. Y/N returned the gesture with a smile, but it lacked the usual enthusiasm. Determined to lift his spirits, Alex decided to approach him indirectly.

Wizards Of Waverly Place. Alex Russo X M! Reader {Almost done writing ending}Where stories live. Discover now