18. Dead Ringer

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Location: Wizard World.

The moonlight filtered through the narrow windows, casting eerie shadows across the cold, stone walls of the dimly lit chamber. Y/N and Brenna found themselves confined in separate cells, their hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.

The air was heavy with tension as they exchanged anxious glances. Y/N's voice cut through the silence, breaking the stillness of the room. "Who are you?" Y/N demanded, his eyes fixed on the hooded figure who stood before them, shrouded in mystery.

The hooded wizard chuckled, his voice dripping with a sense of dark amusement. "Ah, the curiosity of the young," he mused, his lips curving beneath the shadows of his hood. "You can call me Morvindor."

"What do you want from us?" Y/N's voice held a mixture of defiance and uncertainty, his eyes narrowing as he tried to peer past the obscurity of Morvindor's attire.

Morvindor's laughter echoed through the chamber, sending shivers down Y/N's spine. "You and your sister, you see, are quite dangerous," he replied, his tone dripping with a calculated malice.

"Dangerous?" Brenna's voice quivered as she spoke up, her eyes wide with a mixture of confusion and apprehension.

"Yes," Morvindor's reply was almost a whisper, as if he was relishing the sense of power he held over them. "Do you recall the incident at the carnival?"

Y/N's memory raced back to that fateful day, the carnival lights and the energy coursing through him as he inadvertently unleashed his magical prowess. "You mean the time when things got a little out of control?" Y/N's voice held a hint of defiance, as he challenged Morvindor's accusations.

Morvindor's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Ah, you admit it then," he hissed. "But no, you were never arrested for it."

"Why are we here, then?" Y/N's voice grew stern, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Morvindor's laughter sliced through the air once more, a sound that seemed to belong to the darkest of nightmares. "You see, Y/N and Brenna, I am one of the renowned monster hunters. My duty is to eliminate threats to our world."

Brenna's eyes widened with disbelief. "Eliminate?" Her voice trembled as she repeated the word, unable to fathom the implications.

Morvindor's gaze bore into Y/N's, his eyes glinting with an unsettling mixture of determination and cold calculation. "But worry not. I don't intend to take your lives. I simply require a small donation of your blood."

Y/N's voice was laced with incredulity. "You expect us to just comply?"

Morvindor's grin widened, his teeth glinting in the dim light. "Oh, you will comply," he purred. "Or you'll suffer consequences far worse than confinement."

Brenna's voice trembled as she spoke up. "Why are you doing this?"

Morvindor's gaze turned to Brenna, his eyes narrowing. "Curiosity is not a trait you should indulge," he replied cryptically.

Y/N's laughter broke through the tension, an unexpected defiance in his voice. "You really thought these cells could hold me?" Y/N's words echoed with a challenge, his eyes locking onto Morvindor's.

Morvindor's own laughter was cold and unforgiving. "Oh, I never thought the cells would hold you. But I knew this would." As he spoke, another figure emerged from the shadows behind Brenna's cell.

Brenna's eyes widened as she saw the figure, a burst of fear gripping her heart. And then, without warning, a surge of electricity crackled through her cell, jolting her body with agonizing pain. Her screams echoed through the chamber, mingling with the sick satisfaction in Morvindor's laughter.

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