6. Detention

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Location: Tribeca Prep High School.

"You must Rearrange all these books in their respective shelves and then your 2 hour detention will start." Mr. Laritate explained.

"2 hours?" Y/N exclaimed in shock.

"Yes. Do you want me to add another hour?" Mr. Laritate crossed his arms.

"No, No, 2 hours are fine." Y/N sighed.

"Good Evening, Mr. Laritate, Y/N." Alex greeted while entering the principal's Cabin. She had a glass of milkshake in her hands.

"Miss Russo, Can you not even be on time for your detention?" Mr. Laritate asked.

"Oh, Take a chill pill, Mr. Laritate. I am just.." She looked down at her watch. "Just 15 minutes late. pfft!" Alex chuckled.

"Miss Russo! This is-.."

"That reminded, How was the show you went to, last night? Did you ride any horses?" Alex asked.

"It was fantastic. The horses were soo exquisite and..."

"Ah! So cunning." Y/N mumbled and scoffed.

"Ahem! Go and do all your tasks. I will see you both after 2 hours." Mr. Laritate said and left the cabin.

"I'm going to take a nap now. If he comes, please wake me." Alex yawned. She kept her bag aside and sat down on Principal's chair.

"You are supposed to start by rearranging the books on their shelves." Y/N said.

"You can do that on your own, can't you?" Alex smirked. "I am tired." She yawned.

"I don't care if you're exhausted. This is your punishment!"

"You mean, YOUR Punishment? I'm only here to keep you company." Alex smiled.

"Alex Russo, You are an evil, evil witch." Y/N sighed and shook his head in frustration.

"You're Damn right, I am." Alex giggled. Y/N had nothing to say. He rolled his eyes and turned around to start arranging the books by himself.

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Location: Waverly Coffee shop.

"This is the best coffee shop here in waverly place." Justin gestured around the shop he entered.

"We really appreciate you joining us, Tutor. I'll make certain that we have the best time possible." Juliet said.

"I am looking forward to it. Max was already exhausted from practising magic all day and Alex is in detention." Tutor sighed.

"Don't worry about it. Come on, Have a seat." Juliet said. They all got seated and started scanning the menu. Tutor's gaze was drawn to the cashier all of a sudden. Her eyes widened, and she couldn't contain her excitement.

"Uhm, Guys, I will be back in a minute." Tutor got up from her chair.

"Where are you going?" Justin asked.

"Just looking around. I'll be back." Tutor said and rushed towards the counter.

"Good evening, Ma'am! What can-" The barista trailed off is shock. "OH MY GOD! Tutor, you? here?" She gripped Tutor's hands with delight.

"Good to see you again, Brenna!" They attempted to hug with the counter between them and erupted in laughter.

"Brenna! concentrate on your work!" A man yelled from inside. Tutor gave Brenna a perplexed glance.

Wizards Of Waverly Place. Alex Russo X M! Reader {Almost done writing ending}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें