20. Borne of Night

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Wizard World. (Weeks ago.)

Within the somber depths of a dimly lit chamber, Morvindor, a formidable and cunning wizard, fixed his gaze upon a massive cage that held an unsettling creation. The entity within bore an uncanny resemblance to Y/N, as if it were a malevolent reflection sculpted from the shadows themselves. Morvindor's dark eyes glinted with anticipation as he watched the creature stir within its confines.

"What's your mission?" Morvindor's voice dripped with a sinister curiosity, his power palpable within the chamber. The clone's eyes snapped open, radiating a chilling determination. "To eliminate Y/N," it responded, its voice carrying a venomous resolve that echoed through the room.

A wicked grin curled Morvindor's lips. "Excellent, you will be called Nega." he purred, his satisfaction evident. With a wave of his hand, he summoned vials containing the essence of Y/N's and Brenna's blood, potent elixirs that would fuel the clone's transformation into a malevolent force.

Agonizing tremors coursed through the clone's form as it received the injections, the very essence of its being reshaping in response. Its eyes, once mirrors of Y/N's, metamorphosed into slitted orbs ablaze with a maleficent crimson light—a harbinger of its nefarious intentions.

The cage shattered in a cacophony of darkness, freeing the clone in its dragon form. The chamber quaked as powerful wings unfurled, casting a chilling shadow over the room. With its eyes ablaze in a sinister light, the clone fixed its gaze on Morvindor, kneeling before the malevolent wizard.

Morvindor's laughter reverberated, a symphony of malevolence that echoed through the chamber. His sinister experiment had borne fruit—a creation born from shadows and blood, a pawn to execute his darkest designs.

The clone's wings beat powerfully as it surged upward, departing from the chamber to face the world beyond. The realm awaited, a canvas for its wicked ambitions and vengeful purpose.

Its objective lay clear—to seek out and annihilate the real Y/N. With every beat of its wings, the clone harbored a fervent desire to snuff out the very existence of its counterpart, a malevolent echo birthed from the depths of Morvindor's twisted sorcery.

And so, fueled by the wizard's nefarious machinations, the clone embarked on its malevolent odyssey, the promise of a chilling confrontation etched into the fabric of its dark destiny.


Mortal world.

Alex's restlessness grew with each passing moment as she sat in her room, her thoughts a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The ache of missing Y/N gnawed at her, driving her to a decision she had been avoiding. After minutes of internal debate, she finally stood up, determination lighting up her eyes.

"I need to see him," Alex muttered to herself, her voice carrying a mix of longing and frustration. With renewed resolve, she made her way to Y/N's apartment in the mortal world. However, as she arrived, a shocking reality greeted her: the place was already occupied, and there was no portal in sight.

Confusion twisted her features, and her heart sank as she realized the implications. It seemed that fate had other plans, steering her away from her intended destination. But she wasn't ready to give up just yet. Clinging to a glimmer of hope, she rushed back to her own house, eager to use the portal there.

Her heart pounded as she pushed open the portal door at her home, excitement and anticipation building within her. Yet, as the door swung open, an ominous darkness emanated from the portal, and before she could react, the portal abruptly closed, its force pushing her back and leaving her disoriented.

Wizards Of Waverly Place. Alex Russo X M! Reader {Almost done writing ending}Where stories live. Discover now