17. Adversities.

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Y/N stood outside Juliet's restaurant, feeling a mix of emotions as he said his goodbyes. Juliet had been a dear friend, and her genuine emotions tugged at his heartstrings.

"I'll miss you, Y/N," Juliet said with a quiver in her voice.

"I'll miss you too," Y/N replied, offering her a warm smile. "Thank you for always being there for me."

As Y/N turned to leave, he heard a voice that stirred memories and emotions he thought he had buried. It was Alex, her sweet and mesmerizing voice calling his name.

"What are you doing here, Alex?" Y/N asked, trying to maintain his composure.

Alex hesitated for a moment before responding, "This is a restaurant. I'm here to have food."

Y/N rolled his eyes, sensing that she was lying. "Of course," he said, dismissing the topic.

Before he could continue walking, Alex spoke again. "Alright! I'm here to see you."

He stopped and turned to face her, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "How did you know I was leaving at this time?"

"I told her," Juliet chimed in, giving Alex a knowing look.

Alex nodded, not wanting to elaborate on the real reason she was there. Instead, she took a deep breath and spoke sincerely, "I'm gonna miss you, Y/N."

Y/N looked into her eyes, recognizing the truth in her words. Alex rarely expressed her feelings openly, but this time, her vulnerability was evident.

"I'll miss you too," Y/N replied softly, feeling a mix of longing and confusion inside.

Brenna, who had been standing close by, crossed her arms and huffed, "Urgh! Is it over yet?"

Alex's eyes flashed with hurt, but she chose not to engage in an argument. "Brenna, I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Well, you said it. Now, let's go," Brenna insisted, tugging at Y/N's arm impatiently.

Y/N looked torn, caught between his sister's anger and his own unresolved emotions for Alex. Offering her a small smile, As they stood there, their emotions laid bare, Y/N and Alex both knew that they had a long journey ahead of them. But for now, this moment of honesty and vulnerability felt like a step in the right direction.

As Brenna forced Y/N to hurry and leave, Y/N and Alex locked eyes from afar, silent words passing between them. The unspoken emotions hung heavy in the air as they parted ways.


Location: Waverly SubStation.

Alex returned home with a forced smile on her face, attempting to hide the sadness that gnawed at her heart. However, her mother, Theresa, who knew her well, sensed that something was amiss.

"What is it, mija?" Theresa asked, concern evident in her eyes as she approached Alex.

Alex tried to brush it off, not wanting to burden her mother with her own troubles. "Oh, it's nothing, Mom. Just a little tired from the day."

Theresa placed a comforting hand on Alex's shoulder, gently urging her to open up. "Alex, you can tell me anything. I'm here for you."

Alex hesitated for a moment, but the warmth in her mother's eyes encouraged her to speak her mind. "It's just... it's about Y/N," she finally admitted.

Theresa nodded understandingly, her voice soft and reassuring. "What about him?"

Her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "It's just that things between us are so complicated, and I don't know how to fix them."

Wizards Of Waverly Place. Alex Russo X M! Reader {Almost done writing ending}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя