11. Unfolded.

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Location: Wizard World.

"Justin, Justin, You wanna try that?" Juliet asked while pulling Justin's sleeve.

"The high striker?" 



"Oh Come on, It will be fun. I'll go first." Brenna clenched her arms as she went towards the striker.

"She will think you are weaker than her if you don't go." Juliet whispered to Justin and giggled.

"I am not weak." Justin said and flexed his arms in front of Juliet to show off. Justin and Juliet turned back to the sounds of ringing bells on the striker. Brenna had already swung the hammer, and the puck on the tower had crested the highest point.

"Wohoo! This was easy!" Brenna exclaimed. "Your turn Justin." Brenna stepped back and gestured Justin to take the hammer.

"Okay." Justin picked up the hammer and struck the end with all the power. The puck climbed to half the height of the tower before coming to a halt. 

"Yay-" Justin turned back in embarrassment, but stopped before speaking when he noticed his friends were not looking at him. He turned his head in the direction Brenna and Juliet were staring. He got surprised as he noticed a dark and stormy cloud in the distance. It was terrifying since it just covered a specific distance rather than the entire region.

"I-I gotta go." Brenna said and she began to move towards it.

"Brenna wait-" Juliet and Justin followed her.


"Alex, stay back." Y/N growled.

"What happened to your voice?" Alex tried to get closer again, but Tutor grabbed her hand.

"Y/N, Listen to my voice, they are gone. You need to relax, please." Tutor said. She moved back a little. Y/N shook his head, trying to focus on Tutor's voice. They could still hear him growling under his breath.

"What's going on!" Alex exclaimed. Alex's unexpected outburst disturbed Y/N. He roared so loud that Alex and Tutor had to cover their ears. "Woah! He Roars?" Alex mumbled. The weather grew increasingly stormy and threatening.

"Alex Please keep quiet, We're trying to stop him from changing." Tutor said. 

"Changing into what?" Alex asked.

"A dragon." Tutor said.

"A what!"

"A drag-"

"I heard you the first time." Alex rolled her eyes. "But-But-How-a dragon?" Alex stuttered.

"Can we talk about this later and try to bring him back?" Tutor exclaimed.

"What do you mean, bring him back?" Alex asked. Tutor pointed towards who was now covered with scales.

"Oh God! I think we should leave." Tutor shivered with fear. She turned back slowly to leave. Alex jerked tutor's hand away and walked forward.

"Alex, What are you doing?" Tutor muttered.

"I am not leaving him here in this weather." Alex said as she continued walking forward.

"Alex, don't-"

"Tutor, where's Y/N?" Brenna trailed off when she noticed Y/N clenching his fists and tightly shutting his eyes, trying to gain control over himself. Half of the crowd started to run away while the other half stood there, trying to understand what was going on.

"Brenna, stop Alex." Tutor cried. 

"Y/N, Come on, Let's go. People are watching." Alex kept moving close to Y/N. "They are scared, come on. Woah!-" Alex stopped when Y/N opened his eyes. 

Wizards Of Waverly Place. Alex Russo X M! Reader {Almost done writing ending}Where stories live. Discover now