15. Compromises

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Location: Tribeca Prep High School.

"Hey there!" Brenna warmly greeted her brother as he was seated by himself at a corner table at lunch. Y/N simply raised his brows to greet her.
"Didn't enjoy the food?"

"No." He said.

"I see." Brenna hummed. "Alright we are going to your favourite restaurant after school. Anywhere you like. Treat's on me." Brenna stated.

"There's no need for that. I am aware that you are saving up money for a certain thing. So we don't have to waste it only because I had a terrible lunch at school." His tone was dull.

"We both know this isn't about lunch." Brenna said.

Y/N scoffed. "So...What are you doing here? You always sit with your friends over there."

"Today I wanted to sit with my brother for a change. Why do you mind?" Brenna said. Y/N responded with silence. He then turned to look at Alex sitting far away with her friends.
"Who's that guy? I never saw him before." Brenna asked.

"That...is Mason. Alex's boyfriend." Y/N said.

"What! She's dating?" Brenna exclaimed.

"Yeah. It has been a week. You didn't know?"

"I am so sorry, brother. I can't imagine how bad you are feeling."

"Pfft..Its fine. I'm fine." Y/N said. "Look at her, She is laughing, She's happy." Y/N smiled. Brenna became quiet for a minute.



"We are going back to Wizard world."

"Wizard world? For what?" Y/N was confused.

"I am done. I can't take this earthly life and humans anymore."

"But we are here for a reason."

"There's no reason. I thought people here will appreciate us and we might live a happy life but it is as same as wizard world so we better get back home."

"Brenna, is it becaus-"

"It is my own decision and it is final. I want you to understand and dont question me, please brother."

"Okay, I respect your decision. But-"

"Thank You." Brenna said, getting up from the table. "Bid your friends and professors adieu. Our journey here, ends today." She smiled and left.
Y/N leaned back on his chair and sighed.
"Brenna is right." He thought. Except for Juliet and Alex, he never really had any friends in this place. Juliet is mostly busy, and he and Alex haven't spoken in around ten days.


"Make sure it is chilled." Alex said.

"You got it." Mason said as he got up and left.

"Where's Mason going?" Harper asked.

"To get me a can of Pepsi." Alex said. "Anyways, I want you to do something."

"Aurghh!" Harper made a weird sound.

"What was that?" Alex asked.

"Every time you force me to do something, I get into trouble."

"Oh hush! This time It will be fun for you too."

"What do you want?" Harper sighs.

"First, Give me that.." Alex snatched the box of jellybeans from harper's plate. "There, do you see a boy sitting over there in the corner?"

Wizards Of Waverly Place. Alex Russo X M! Reader {Almost done writing ending}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя