24. The Prophecy.

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Wizard World.

Nega and Alex stood before the ominous Wizard Eliminating Machine, a device with the power to reshape the fate of the entire Wizard world. It was a moment of significance and uncertainty.

"Here we are, Alex," Y/N said, a sinister smile dancing on his lips. "Let's save the Wizard world!"

Alex, fueled by the determination to rescue and protect her magical realm, nodded and pointed her wand towards the machine. Together, they channeled their magical energies into the device, activating it with a brilliant burst of energy.

But then, everything took a dark turn. Alex, quickly changed the direction of her wand, unleashing her magical powers directly at Nega. Her voice rang out with fury and concern.

"WHERE IS MY Y/N?!" she shouted, her voice a powerful crescendo.

Nega's cruel laughter pierced the charged air. He walked steadily toward Alex, her magical barrage seemingly ineffective against him. "I guess I underestimated you, Alex," he sneered, taunting her with his devious grin.

As he approached her, he reached out and effortlessly snatched her wand from her trembling hand. He continued to speak with a chilling, unwavering tone. "You figured out that I'm not your Y/N. But you forgot!"

With a single, forceful push, he sent Alex sprawling to the ground, her breath stolen by the intensity of his assault. She lay there, panting and bewildered.

"And you forgot," Nega continued, turning away from her fallen form. "That I AM THE KING HERE! No one can defeat me in this realm. Not even your Y/N."

The device was now active, humming with ominous energy, its malevolent purpose clear. "You did what you were supposed to do," Nega declared. "You activated the machine. Now it's going to end all the wizards still alive."

He transformed into his menacing dragon form, poised to unleash his devastating breath. But before he could, a sudden bolt of energy, a radiant beacon of hope, materialized in the air. Alex, in a breathtaking display of magical power and resilience, vanished from his clutches, leaving Nega stunned and disoriented.

The fate of the Wizard world teetered on the precipice of uncertainty as the battle between light and darkness continued to unfold.


The group of heroes, Y/N, Brenna, Tutor, and Professor Crumbs, scoured the Wizard world, hoping to locate Nega and prevent the catastrophic event that was unfolding. The sky, once a brilliant expanse of blue, had transformed into a haunting abyss, casting a grim shroud over the realm.

With a heavy sigh that resonated with surrender, Tutor shifted her gaze towards the malevolent heart of the disturbance: WizTech. From the heart of the institution, an ominous and wicked dark beam surged skyward, its menacing tendrils ensnaring their hopes for salvation. Tutor sighed, "He did it."

On a hill overlooking this grim spectacle, Y/N, Brenna, Tutor, and Professor Crumbs gathered to survey the devastating scene.

Y/N's heart sank, realizing the implications of this dark energy. "Alex!" he exclaimed with a sense of urgency.

Brenna, with her incredible speed, dashed away and swiftly returned, bringing Alex to the hill where Y/N stood. The two lovers embraced tightly, fearing the worst as they listened to Brenna's account of what she had witnessed within WizTech.

Brenna, her countenance marked by a deep sense of urgency, spoke, "We still have time. I just saw everything inside WizTech, and Nega was—"

But before she could reveal the crucial information she had gathered within WizTech, a sudden anomaly disrupted the somber atmosphere. Tutor, the seasoned sage, began to disintegrate gradually, her form dissipating into an ethereal void. Brenna, overcome with shock, questioned with desperation, "What was that? Where's Tutor?"

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