Chapter 16

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-Queen Anne...

Anne stood up from her chair in the prison when she saw the group of men sent by Henry, it meant only one thing, he had decided what sentence to give her.

-There news?...

Anne asked as she stood in front of the group of men.

-Yes your majesty...

Said the man in the center, who was the king's messenger, The man cleared his throat to begin speaking.

-King Henry our lord has finally decided his final sentence, for the charges attributed to you.

Anne felt anxious..., but she maintained her firm stance, ready to face any kind of charge he had for her.

-King Henry... made the decision to sentence you to execution...

"Execution"..., Anne couldn't be more surprised, she..., the queen of England being sentenced to execution by the hand of her own husband?..., she had never heard anything like it..., it had to be a joke in bad taste..., his henry..., could not be able to condemn the mother of his daughter to such a cruel end...


She asked as she tried to assimilate the situation.


The man said in a totally cold, indifferent tone.

-And..., how and when?.

The man looked at her before speaking again.

-Axe of the executioner.

Anne let out a small, silent laugh but loud enough for the group of men to hear, and they suspected among themselves that in this whole situation she could make the queen laugh.

-Well..., that will be very easy..., I have a very thin neck.

She said while with her hand she caressed her neck, and with her gaze she looked at those men, the group of men did not know what to say, or how to act next with the queen's strange reaction.

-It will be this weekend, in the public square...

-Who will be the executioner?.

-The famous French executioner came to the kingdom some time ago.

-Oh yes I remember...

Anne had heard about that executioner, and her great skill with the axe. Henry had hired him some time ago to carry out the executions of some criminals in the kingdom, but now it seemed that she was the criminal.

-Is this the king's final decision?...

She asked while trying to have some hope in her words but she knew there was not much to do or fight for. Things were obvious, she couldn't do the only thing he wanted, a son, and with a new lover... ., with Margaret, it was obvious that he saw a brilliant opportunity to have his precious son...

-Unfortunately yes.

That man said.

-Both his sentence and that of his brother are the final decisions.

Anne's senses were activated upon hearing the man's words..., "his brother."

-What was the decision for my brother?.

She asked with some terror in her voice, she loves her brother, he wouldn't be able to take his brother's life...

-The Boleyn man received the same sentence as you, my queen.

It seemed that all of Anne's fears had arrived...

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