Chapter 12

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Two days have passed since Anne's last abortion, these days Henry has been meticulously preparing Anne's sentence, all of this happens without anyone else he trusts knowing, including his beloved Margaret, Margaret on the other hand is He finds himself today in his queen's chambers while helping her put on her nightgown to sleep.

Anne was watching Margaret carefully. She was no stranger to the rumors of a possible relationship between Margaret and Henry, She looked at the young servant's expensive dresses and jewelry, and knew like everyone else that it was impossible for these to be paid for with her money with a servant salary.

-Is that necklace new lady?

The queen asked her servant.

-That's your majesty.

-Where did you get it?

-It was a gift, Your Majesty.

Anne knew she was lying.

-A gift, from whom?

-A duke.

Anne laughed at the absurd lie.

-Give it to me.

-No, I can, it's mine.

-I said give it to me!

Margaret refused and Anne took her by her necklace and brought her closer, there Anne checked the necklace and realized that the signature of the person who made the necklace is the same one who makes Henry's jewelry, an exclusive.

-There is no doubt that you are a prostitute.

Margaret said nothing and Anne dropped her necklace.

-Do you believe what he tells you? That he loves you, and that he will never leave you? Don't be naive, I am his wife, you will never become anything more than his whore.

-I do not think so.

Anne was surprised to see that she responded.

-What did you say?.

-I said, I don't think I'll just be his lover, I'll be an important woman in his life.

Anne laughed.

-Do not be ridiculous-.

-I'm not, I think you don't accept that the king is getting tired of you.

-How dare you talk to me like that?!.

-I do it, because it's the truth...

Anne simply couldn't believe it, how was it possible that this servant had the courage to speak to her queen like that?.

-You're stupid if you think you're going to take my husband away from me.

Margaret only saw her and did not bother to answer her. After finishing helping her queen she prepared to leave but Anne grabbed her arm tightly, preventing her from leaving the room.

-Listen to me carefully, you will never be able to have my place in Henry's life or in his kingdom, you love nothing more than his whore and he will throw you out of the castle like all the others.

-We'll see.

After saying that Margaret bowed to Anne to leave the room, Anne was left thinking about Margaret's words, could Henry really be in love with her? Could he be able to annul their marriage and give the crown to that woman?, Well, if you did it once that prevents you from doing it twice, She thought about how she took Catherine's place away from her, would Margaret really do the same?.

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