Chapter 15

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-I was not aware that Queen Anne's imprisonment would be so fast...

-I had already told you, my dear Margaret.

Margaret turned to see Henry, they were both in the king's chambers, Henry was lying on his bed while reading some letters, probably about political matters, and Margaret was standing next to the window.

-I think I offered you a seat on my bed, dear...

He looked up to see Margaret appreciating the landscape, he knew how much his Margaret loved seeing the countries of the kingdom.

-In a minute dear, the day is beautiful, it would be a shame not to appreciate it...

-As you wish, also, I was thinking about something else...

-In what?...

-As you know, Anne's end is near, but not before her brother's end.

It was true..., The queen's brother had been imprisoned the same day as the queen.

-What do you have in mind, honey?.

He smiled when he heard the words and at the same time Margaret's innocence.



-Well, with Anne gone, I'm going to need a wife, a life partner, and I believe with all my heart that your Margaret is the perfect woman to fill that position...

She was surprised, really the king, the man she loved, was proposing marriage to her?!.

-Henry...I would be delighted to be your wife...

Henry was pleased to hear her words, he finally had what he wanted, Anne out of the way and Margaret all to himself..., but there was something he needed, something he needed to ensure.

-But..., I want you to promise me something, dear.

-Whatever you want...

-After we get married, you have to promise me that you will give me a child, a son..., do you promise?

-I promise.

Margaret approached Henry to seal her promise with a sweet and warm kiss, She already had her position secured, to be Henry's future wife and his queen, but she knew that she had to keep her promise standing.

-You are everything a man could want...

After saying this Henry began to fill Margaret's face with kisses, the happiness in the room was evident, both of them could finally be together, as husband and wife.

-Now..., if you allow me, dear, I have some things to do in the castle..., could you wait for me until nightfall?.

-I would wait a thousand years for you, darling...

They both smiled, while their faces were facing each other.

-I love you...

After saying this Henry said goodbye with a kiss, and then went with his court and some ministers, the execution of the "man" Boleyn was close, everyone around Henry had agreed with him, while the prisoner was still in the dungeon, Henry He was discussing the plan, everything needed to be calculated with precision, the date of the execution, preparing the square, calling the executioner, after thinking about it for a long time he decided that the execution would be with the executioner's axe, an executioner of the kingdom, he did not He could look forward to the day of the end of the man who was once his brother-in-law.

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