Luo Qiu placed an egg between the two paws. The little leopard sat on the ground, holding the egg between its legs, and then used one of its front paws to pick up a moss-covered stone that could be grasped. It hits the wider butt area of ​​the egg.

"Crack, click, click..." The beaten egg gradually cracked due to the sharp force of the stone, and long white lines slowly extended from the origin. Luo Qiu threw away the stone and stretched out her small claws, just enough to get her nails stuck on the stone for forging. On the small hole, just apply force gently in the direction of the crack, and small pieces of egg shells were peeled off.

A quarter of the whole egg is peeled off, and the largest diameter part of the whole egg is completely exposed, so that the tongues of several cubs can stick in and have a good meal.

Luo Qiu doesn't like the taste of raw eggs too much. The sticky feeling will become very mellow and sticky after eating it in the mouth. Eggs that smell fishy to humans smell like meat and milk in cats' noses. It has a mixed flavor and tastes a little fresh and sweet, very delicious but not cloying.

The little cheetah cub grabbed the egg with its two front paws, stuck its little tongue in and licked it for a long time. It easily took all the egg white of the whole egg into its mouth, and finally the yolk was peeled off only with the tongue. Hook the thin film on the surface, and with a little force, the whole egg yolk will pop into your mouth.

After Luo Qiu finished eating a raw egg, she licked her dry mouth and stopped moving. The texture of the raw egg was a little sticky, and cats themselves are not drooling creatures, so the little cheetah cub licked it. After licking my mouth, I wanted to drink water.

Big cats usually don't have the habit of boiling water for drinking, and they don't drink water frequently enough. They basically rely on eating prey to replenish water. After Luo Qiu discovered that his neighbor's uncle had the beast power of fire, he occasionally let his neighbor at home The uncle used a small campfire to boil a glass of water and put it in the dining room, waiting for him to lick it whenever he wanted to drink.

But most of the time, Luo Qiu himself couldn't think of drinking water at all. He never felt that he would be short of water. He would always get it when he wanted to drink water when he had nothing to do. Licking the cup.

Now after eating raw eggs, it is a rare moment to want to drink water, but the chicken pen is some distance away from the neighbor's uncle's big tree house, and he is not that thirsty, so the whole little cheetah cub is lazily Lying on the spot, he turned his head to the side in a hurry and took a few bites of the grass he found randomly on the ground.

Well, it tastes really bad.


After turning into a feline, Luo Qiu's love for green plants plummeted. Except for certain green leafy plants that cats liked, the only ones left were colorful fruits.

If it were in the past earth, Luo Qiu, as a northerner, would be very confident in chewing up the green grass, but after becoming a little cub, eating a mouthful of green grass would always feel astringent and bitter.

I don’t know if these plants are really unpalatable, or if cats’ little tongues refuse to let in green food.

However, the strange plant texture was indeed very juicy, which solved the problem of the little cheetah cub having a dry mouth after eating raw eggs. Luo Qiu lay on the ground and yawned, planning to play for a while before returning with the remaining two eggs. Home, make a slate scrambled egg for the big tiger.

Luo Qiu still thinks that cooked food tastes better.

The two little snow leopard cubs are very fond of raw eggs. The premature death of their parents deprived the two cubs of the opportunity to nurse. This is undoubtedly bad news for the kittens and cats who were originally weaned late, even though Luo Qiu is now several months old, and there is no way to completely reject the instinct of sucking breasts.

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