Growing Darkness

Beginne am Anfang

Neo: *dashes over to him* Slowly Buddy

Cape: My...head.. it feels like...i ran against a wall...

Violet: The wounds you had said something similar, they were from Strong impacts and brutal Force 

Neo: Exacly   take a deep breath and sort yourself 

Cape: *nods, looking at his hand*

Violet: What was that beat you to this condition?

Cape: I..don't know..i know it was there...but it wasnt attacks just went threw it with no Effect at all...all i remember is a pair of Green glowing eyes looking at me

Violet: *looks at Neo* That fits a the Description of a Demon..but i dont know many types of Demons for that Matter 

Cape: not sure..I know it was there since it was before me...but i couldnt feel Energy, No signs for Movements, it was like a Ghost just way...more Powerfull

Neo: You couldnt feel any Energy? Did you feel any Pressure?

Cape: *nods* Yea...that demong spread Darkness all over the Zone..and then suddenly the Pressure got intense that i couldnt Move at all...

Neo: Okay I think i have it now but i am Not sure if its right

Cape: Do you mean...those 2 guys we fought back then...those with Godly Power..

Neo: Exacly when they Transformed into their Godly State the Pressure got Intense too

Violet: *thinks* Godly Power...huh? 

Cape: Thats..right *he clenches his hand to a fist*  DAMNIT!! i am so mad that i couldnt do anything against that thing! 

Neo: Take it easy big guy! if that thing really had Godly Power then you had no Chance in the First place

Cape: I know! and that is what pisses me off!

Neo: Calm down! its not a big deal now! Take a Deep Breath and relaxe!

Cape: *takes a deep breath as said*

Violet: *mumbels* There has to be..a way to achieve Godly Power..

Cape: *looks at his fist, it glows in the a Golden Aura* I Wanna try to Master The Hyper Form first..its Power was it that saved us so far 2 Times

Violet: *looks at him* Thanks to Hyper you Beat Soulseeker?

Cape: *Nods as he trys to sit up*

Neo: *looks over the Energy reading again* It shows that your inner Chaos Emerald have grown a bit stronger with each time you turned them into Super Emeralds 

Cape: does that mean the more i manage to go Hyper, the easier is the access?

Neo: Exacly, its still a wonder how you even have access to the Normal Chaos Emeralds normaly 

Violet: *puts her hand on her chin* 

Cape: It could have many reasons, sooner or later we will figure it out but for doesnt Matter *he looks at his fist, first it glows golden then it turns into whitish Energy and lishes completely as he looks over to Violet*  Whats going threw your head?

Violet: This thing with Godly wont get out of my head *she places her hand on her forhead and closes her eyes*  Something in me tells me that i know something about this part but i cant Remember 

Neo: That could be that part of your Memories ist locked away since you got controlled by your rage for a very long time by that Dark Energy when we met back then

Violet: That makes dumb as it is *sighs*

Cape: Dont think about it to much

Violet: you were literally beat up by a being who probably Posses Godly like powers and you tell me to not worry? are you serious!? 

Cape: Okay! Okay.. you made your point...we truely have maybe find a way to achieve that power but it wont be easy...

Neo: For you it would be the best to rest for now before you do anything

Cape: Okay Fine..but i dont wanna stay here..*he slowly stands up* I go to my room, i will see you guys later *he slowly walks out of the Door and leaves*

Violet: Was it smart to not tell him?

Neo: I hope it was, we should keep an eye on him

Violet: understood, while he rests atleast i will see if i find something about those Godly Powers you keep an eye on him

Neo: Understood 

*All three Go Their Separate Ways making it wonder how the Future will Progress* 

- CapeBoy The Hedgehog -  The BeginningWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt