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"What if she doesn't accept?"

Freya stared at Camille for a while. That question had been running through his mind since they found out about Alex.

A fear that made her heart churn because she loved her youngest niece, even though she had only known her for a few months, and his refusal to be part of the family was a thought that Freya hated with everything.

So far all they had done was make Freya happy, even though she missed Hope. She just wanted the two girls to meet and get to know each other. Become a sister.

"I don't know. I just hope she knows." She answered, running his finger along the rim of his wine glass.

"To be fair, it's hard to predict what Lexa will think or do next." Marcel spoke

That was part of the reason why he admired her. There is no way to know Alexa, something that is valid when it comes to Hope too.

"You love him, don't you?" his words were directed at Marcel who smiled back.

"Of course. I love them both."

"I definitely want to see Alexa and Hope meet" said Camille while sipping her drink.

Finn and Klaus have a bitter relationship, filled with hurt, anger, and betrayal. Watching their daughters interact would certainly be an extraordinary sight. Camille hopes that the two of them can get along well, without being burdened by the mistakes made by their father. They both deserve to be happy.

— c.a.r.e —

"May I come in?"

Alexa raised her head to look at Elijah, who was standing outside the room, holding the door slightly open.

She sat on the bed with her books open, Camille had assigned her homework and some worksheets to practice on. Alexa is happy to try it.

"Of course."

Elijah smiled and opened the door to enter. He walked further into the room and sat in a chair beside the bed, near the window.

"I hope I'm not interrupting?"

"No. I was just about to pack up and go to bed. Uncle Vin told me that he and Bonnie would teach me magic tomorrow"

"Are you excited?" Elijah asked in a polite tone.

Alexa thought for a moment before speaking.

"I don't know. I mean, I've seen and read magic a lot but learning it myself, it's not what I thought."

The whole mambo jumbo magic made her feel strange. There are many different types of magic, all scary in their own way.

She didn't expect 'Blood Magic' to be a thing. Then there was black magic that made Alexa's stomach churn reading how bad it was. She was hoping for something light, like Merlin where you just say a spell. But that's not the case, there are rituals and pacts and forms of magic that require blood, sacrifice. She wondered what society Vincent belonged to. They don't say much about the type of magic they practice. She didn't push the topic, they dismissed it by saying that it had been a long time since they last practiced proper magic.

"You don't need to be afraid. I'm sure Vincent and Miss Bennett won't teach you anything that would be considered evil or require you to do something you don't want to do." Elijah said, his voice firm, it made her feel a little better.

"What will they teach me?"

Elijah looked at her with a caring gaze and said, "You will learn to control the elements of nature."

"Four elements alchemy?" She asked.

"You will surpass them. Other elements like lightning, smoke, ice, metal, even spirits."


"Of course. I don't know how, but I think you'll be able to communicate with them." Elijah said with a nod

Alexa stared at him, feeling strange knowing that she would be a walking, talking to ouija board. And now Alexa realizes why she saw her best friend. And so far she's been nothing but fun company.

"I owe you an apology."

"And why is that?"

Elijah sighed, "Since our conversation at the cafe, I've been avoiding you. Sorry."

"Why are you apologizing to me? Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"I don't think so?"

Alexa was silent, thinking about the right thing to say, she didn't want to act like an idiot like she did in that cafe. Elijah didn't have to agree with her opinion. The words don't even matter.

Sure there are certain things that are hard to accept like stabbing your brother for 900 hundred years because you don't want to hear him criticize the murderous tendencies that come along with the package of being a vampire or hunting innocent people because they ran from you to save their lives after finding out that You plan to 'sacrifice' them for breaking the curse.

“Listen, even when you told me that you and your older brother never liked each other, it's not like seeing someone die, twice, isn't it traumatizing, seeing someone die isn't easy. I know how it feels, after all I don't have the right to tell you how you feel but I'm sure you will regret a number of your actions you took towards Finn. You avoiding me is a natural response. You don't need to be sorry. I approached the topic bluntly and I apologize for that."

Elijah took a deep breath, barely suppressing the satisfied smile that graced his lips.

"You should sleep. You still have a long day."

"Not sure about that" Alexa said

Elijah stood up from the chair and gave her a sharp nod before walking to the door. As he stepped out, he turned to say goodnight, smiling when Alexa waved at him. He closed the door gently and walked towards the end of the hall where the stairs were.

"I didn't expect you to tell her about Finn"

Rebekah's voice was soft with a hint of amusement in it, no hint of judgment or accusation. Elijah would rather talk to her about this than any of his other siblings.

"she asked, I can't tell her anything. Alexa will try to find out about Finn."

He shrugged, lifting his head to look at his sister leaning against the banister.

"She reminds me of Kol sometimes. Funny." Rebekah smiled, just a little. Elijah chuckled.

"Elijah, what do we do?"

"I don't understand"

"I heard what Klaus said that night, I know she hear that but she don't know you talk about her and Finn"

Elijah pursed his lips and averted his gaze.

"You and I both know how Niklaus is" Rebekah stood up straighter.

"Really, Elijah?" She walked over to Elijah.

"Do we really know that?"

"Rebekah, please. I know you don't like Lexa-"

"I care about her."

Elijah looked up to see Rebekah's eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"I understand that Alexa needs the sword but I don't think she needs us. Elijah, we lied to her. Even if we told her the truth, we couldn't tell her everything. Anyone in their right mind would never accept us after knowing the things that we did. What makes you think that us being a part of his life, us, would do him any good? You saw what happened to Hope."

Elijah's chest ached, he took a deep breath and stepped forward to pull Rebekah into a hug.

Whatever happens, they might let Alexa choose her own path in life.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥: Finn Mikaelson DaughterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum