Chapter Seven

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Mason's POV

We leave the house, stepping into a world we hardly knew. The night had swallowed the last rays of the sunset, and the grass beneath our feet, once a symbol of escape, now feels like a blanket of uncertainty.

Maya glances at me, her eyes wide in the dim light. There is no need for words; our shared history spoke volumes. We escaped a life of fear, but the unknown is a different kind of daunting.

"Is it... b-better out h-here?" Maya's voice is barely a whisper, as if she is afraid to hear the answer.

I give her hand a reassuring squeeze. "It will be. We're together."

The night is filled with unfamiliar sounds. A distant howl makes Maya jump slightly, clinging to my arm. The hills ahead, which had seemed like a promise during the day, now stand like silent watchers in the darkness. We push forward, driven by a hope for something better, despite the fear each step brought.

As the stars appear, casting a gentle light over us, Maya looks up. "P-Pretty," she says softly, a hint of wonder in her voice.

"It is. Makes you think how big the world is, doesn't it?" I try to sound confident, for her sake.

We're just two kids, stepping into a vast and unknown world after a lifetime of shadows.

Coming to a crossroads, we stop. "Which wa-way?" Maya's voice is small, lost in the vastness of the night.

I look down each path, feeling the weight of our past and the open-endedness of our future. "I'm not sure. But we have to choose one."

We choose a path, almost at random. The moonlight is our only guide, casting eerie shadows around us. Every unknown noise, every whisper of wind, seems to question our choice.

"This i-is it, r-right? Our a-adven-adventure?" Maya's voice has a hint of hope, her eyes meeting mine.

"Yeah, it is. We're doing this. We're free now," I say firmly, trying to sound more certain than I felt.

We walk on, the path unwinding into the unknown. It's a road of possibilities, both good and bad. But for the first time, we are the ones in control of our lives.

With our found freedom, we carry on our adventure in this unknown land. We trudge along the dark road, enveloped in the night's stillness. The only light comes from the stars, casting a soft, guiding glow on our journey. The road feels endless, a mix of excitement and apprehension filling our hearts as we step into the unknown. Then, almost like a scene from a forgotten story, we find ourselves in front of an old park, bathed in moonlight.

In the heart of the park, there's a wooden pirate ship, part of a neglected playground. Its timbers are worn and its paint chipped, giving it an air of silent resilience. Maya pauses, her gaze fixed on the ship, a mix of sadness and wonder in her eyes.

 Maya pauses, her gaze fixed on the ship, a mix of sadness and wonder in her eyes

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