The little cub asked aloud, and Noko naturally explained slowly and patiently.

The formation and origin of beast power is still unclear. There are currently rumors that it is a gift from the beast god. Beast power is more like a beast god certification than other strength and combat experience. , after all, basically does not have much attack power, it just widens the difference from ordinary orcs.

And the owners of this kind of animal power are quite rare, and they can indeed be called beings with dragon scales and phoenix horns. The cats as big as the Claws tribe gather in the tribe, not counting the dead leader, and there are only dozens of cats in the entire tribe. There are only nine orcs left with this power.

As the beast god favors those who obtain animal power, they are basically big tigers. This can also be seen from the side that the acquisition of animal power also requires strong genes to a large extent.

Luo Qiu shook his ears when he heard this. According to what he said, he usually had no chance to obtain the convenience of carrying a lighter.

Well, no, no.

It couldn't control the wind and rain as imagined, and the role of a portable lighter was not necessarily necessary. Thinking of this, Luo Qiu was not disappointed. After thinking about it, he continued to listen to the voice of his neighbor's uncle.

Although the beast's power is not very strong, there will be some mental comparisons among competitors. After all, it is a mascot similar to a totem. If it falls between competitors, whose mascot will naturally be more powerful and whose supporters will be more confident.

But unfortunately, Noko has useless fire power, and the cats in the tribe don't have much use for fire. The preservation of the most important food is basically limited to exposure to the sun and smearing with salt. In the mine, the importance of fire was greatly reduced, and it seemed to be inferior to the other three tigers.

As for the other three tigers, each one counts as one, and their awakened beast power is indeed more or less practical.

Yin Yue is a white tiger who possesses the power of ice. At its most powerful, it can condense ice blocks as long as thighs. In summer, it is quite useful for many cats who are afraid of heat.

Yaxi is a brown tiger with the power of water. Needless to say, the effectiveness of water sources. In order to show off his animal power, the guy even turned into a primitive human form and filled himself with a tree stump of water at a time. Take a shower.

Lieteeth is also a brown tiger. Compared to Silver Moon and Yaxi, he possesses the rarer power of thunder. Although the power of thunder is not that important in daily life, I can't bear to say that people's awe for thunder and lightning is still at a stage similar to mythology. They think that thunder and lightning are the power of gods. I think the power of thunder and lightning is more powerful than the power of thunder and lightning. The power of ice and water are more prestigious.

But in fact, the small lightnings he casts with the power of thunder cannot even kill cubs. They can only stun cats, or perm the heads of cats who have nothing to do.

So actually to sum it up, if you insist on saying that Noko's power of fire is not as prestigious as the other three tigers in the tribe.

After hearing what the neighbor's uncle said, Luo Qiu opened her mouth and stared in a daze.

He originally thought that the beast's power was somewhat mysterious and had some totem authority labels, but after listening to it, he discovered that the other three tigers, who possess the power of ice, hugged ice cubes with their subordinate cats to enjoy the coolness in the summer. , the one with the power of water saves it to bathe himself, the one with the power of thunder is obsessed with perming the hair of other cats... If you look at it this way, the neighbor uncle with the power of fire is actually quite normal


The little cheetah cub's eyes widened, and he didn't know where to start complaining.

Maybe... maybe he made the struggle for power between cats too complicated?

Luo Qiu shook her head to dispel the confusion on her face, put her little paws on the neighbor's uncle's arm, stepped on it gently, and continued to urge the big tiger to tell a bedtime story.

Noko lowered his head and licked the little cub's forehead, and talked intermittently a lot. Until the last part of his speech, his mouth was a little dry. He turned his head and found that the little cub had drooped its ears in a sleepy manner without knowing it. Lying in his arms, he didn't even have time to retract his tongue, spitting out a small tip and exposing it to the outside of his small mouth. He was already asleep in a silly way.


He looked down for a while. He didn't know what he thought of, and he purred happily from his throat. Then he opened his mouth and moved his muscles, which were sore from talking too much. He didn't say anything. He turned sideways, pulled the little cub closer to his arms, and started to close his eyes and fall asleep.

Another dreamless night.

On the other side, Suoke's limbs were spread wide and he had already rolled under his original sleeping position. Then he suddenly woke up from his dream, licked his nose, and let out a loud soul sound as if the string in his head had just been connected. question.

It seemed to him that the primitive form of Noko he saw before was with ears and a tail? !

Doesn’t the primitive human form have these things?

Suoke, who suddenly couldn't sleep, got up from the ground and walked around in the bedroom, carefully recalling the scene where he saw Noko from all angles.

I also had some doubts about whether I had remembered it wrong, and after giving myself a slap on the forehead, I grimaced in pain. Finally, I was convinced that I had read it correctly. I gritted my teeth and flicked my tail. I couldn't figure out this problem and was still scratching my head. Moonlight ran to Kansi's house overnight.

"Ooooo!" Wu! Are you asleep? !

"Ooooo!" Wu! Wake up. I have something to ask you!

Kansi had already fallen asleep at this time, lying in the nest of the big wooden house and snoring. Occasionally, he heard someone calling him in his dream. He frowned, turned over suddenly, licked his lips and continued to sleep. Die in the past.

It was bedtime now, and there was absolutely no way anyone would ask him to work overtime!

Suok came all the way under the moonlight. Naturally, he would not give up until he asked the questions he wanted to ask clearly. After scratching at the door for a long time, Kansi did not come out, so he jumped to the window of Kansi's bedroom on the side of the big wooden house and asked He took a few steps back and lay down to gather strength. Even his beard was tight. After finding the angle, the big black tiger roared towards the window with only a few wooden sticks and straw curtains.

"Bang——! Bang——!!"


A scream suddenly came from the big wooden house, followed by the sound of something being beaten. After a long time, Through the moonlight, you can see Kansi twisting the big black tiger's ears and yelling loudly inside the smashed window.

Kansi glanced at the smashed window, stood eerily in the bright moonlight, showed a smile uglier than a ghost, gritted his teeth and lowered his head close to Sok's ear.

"You'd better come to me if there's anything urgent..."

Dressed As A Cheetah Cub In A Primitive Farmingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن