It was barely possible to survive the winter that was about to pass just by relying on fishing skills, but Luo Qiu knew that for a tribe, these rules carved on the stone slab were the same as the records carved on the stone slab by Kanxi before. It belongs to a kind of spiritual contract. The orcs in this world attach great importance to and abide by this spiritual contract, and these rules that have been customized during the development of the tribe are naturally not so easy to be banned.

So the implication is that if the little cub wants to break the rules on this stone by simply fishing, it is not enough.

Luo Qiu followed Kanxi's hand and looked at the slate with little stick figures on the floor. She didn't get carried away and said anything. She just nodded seriously and was covered by the fluffy lanugo hair. No one could Can't see clearly the look on his face.

He really found this rule quite unpleasant. As luck would have it, he knew how to easily reattach a broken leg. In addition, the orcs had good recovery abilities, so they could avoid death, but it would not protect them from injuries in other places next time. He may not have so many options.

Luo Qiu could treat his family privately with some first-aid knowledge from the earth, but instead of hiding fearfully every time, it would be better for everyone to live together.

What's more, he likes these furries very much. Naturally, he can't bear to watch the cats slowly become the default elimination cats in the tribe due to mistakes in battle or other reasons.

Although the adults didn't tell him what this year's war with the tribe next door was going to be like, the continuous warnings a while ago also made Luo Qiu smell the tense atmosphere.

Regardless of whether he wanted to be alone or not, and just wanted to be a carefree and reborn salted fish kitten, the prerequisite was that the Claw Tribe was strong enough to provide a safe territory for his family to survive.

Therefore, instead of waiting until later when he is forced to stand up, it is better to start preparing for a rainy day while his body is still in the cub stage. The big cats will not let him get involved in the tribal power struggle, lest it will be too late when he grows up. .

After all, there is an old Chinese saying that the best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, and the second best time is now.

If you want to live comfortably with the big tree of the tribe on your back, then leading him on horseback to become stronger and stronger is the only way to go.

Luo Qiu was just an ordinary person on the original earth, at least a little clever, but in this world with poor information, he also wanted to be a small push behind the development of the orc world.

The little cheetah cub rested its paws on the stone slab on the ground and gave Kansi a determined look.


night passed, and a lot of snow fell again in the middle of the night. This year's winter was slow and the snow was not melting. The prey were buried in holes and seldom came out, making life more and more difficult.

But for the Talon tribe, all this was temporarily forgotten. Half of the tribe became lively. Before dawn, you could hear cats meowing one after another, shouting to each other from a distance to get up early and work.

This job is not something that ordinary cats can get. Weaving fishing nets is a skill after all, and it is a special skill in any tribe. Naturally, those who are selected to learn how to weave fishing nets are loyal and honest. With the honest core tribe members, plus some women, children, the elderly and the weak who were strongly requested by the Little Cub God, the tribe became busy in full swing.

If the stronger cats selected by the witch are responsible for keeping an eye on the skill of weaving fishnets and preventing other cats from learning it and then showing it with their big mouths, then those selected by Luo Qiu Women, children, the elderly and the weak are even more tight-lipped. Their lives are already difficult. Some of the weaker ones have already slept underground in the snow season. The rest are all resolute and refuse to accept their fate. The little angels who were handed this skill to them were even more grateful. They all started to weave fishing nets by the light of the moon before dawn.

The area of Gemstone Lake is not small. Luo Qiu visited it several times and felt that the density of fish in it was actually very impressive because there were no natural enemies. He thought that he could just survive the winter for the time being, so They also started weaving larger fishing nets to catch fish.

In the coming spring and summer, these fishing nets will also be recycled. It is only necessary to go there occasionally to collect some, and to give fish schools a chance to thrive.

Originally, Luo Qiu had planned to teach everyone how to do trap fishing in the Moonlight River the day after teaching everyone how to weave fishing nets. However, after Kanxi started publicizing it, there were too many new faces coming and going in the food distribution square. , is nothing to the Talon Tribe itself, but to the little angel cubs, there are still some potential dangers.

After all, Yinyue has already set her sights on them. Luo Qiu has taken a break from fishing for a few days. The neighbor uncle has been hiding under his belly all day long to watch. Any careless cat that passes by will be caught. The big tiger's golden eyes stared with death, and every one of them was so frightened that the hair on their necks exploded and they ran away very fast.

Just kidding, although there may be some cats who have received orders from the tigers above to investigate, they are not risking their lives. They insist on stealing the cubs from the belly of this guy Noko. They will be killed even if they don't even see a hair. If the claws are really mean, the price will be paid by having his head bitten into pieces and stuck in the pine forest.

Luo Qiu had long been immune to the low air pressure from her neighbor's uncle. She would secretly cover her mouth with her little paws and laugh sullenly when she saw the other cats scaring away other cats and running sideways while squealing.

However, when he was away from the cat, he came out and took a look at the big tiger's face. As time passed, he could see a bit of innocence on the expressionless tiger's face.

Although it is said that the neighbor's uncle turned into a silver-haired and black-skinned beauty with long, narrow and shiny eyes, the tiger is still a male tiger after all, with two eyes that are not much bigger, plus a broad forehead, a big face, and a neck The hair on his neck was fluffier, and Luo Qiu was not afraid of his aura. From a distance, his eyes looked like two soybean dots, but they looked a little naive.

Of course, she could only think about this in her heart, and then smiled happily to herself. Luo Qiu did not dare to say it in front of the neighbor's uncle, but now she was less and less afraid of him. Even the two who were surrounded by the big tiger before Between Qilin's arms, even if he stepped on the chest muscles when buried in the fur, he would have the shamelessness to step on the chest muscles a few more times. Sometimes when he came back from playing without washing his paws, he would even step on the big tiger's chest muscles when he rushed in. There are two small black plum blossoms on it.

The uncle next door also has a good temper. He is a big cat who loves to be clean. He was not angry when a little cheetah cub stepped on two plum blossom marks on his chest. The big tiger's chest muscles are considerable, and he can naturally lick them as soon as he lowers his head. After the licking was done, he pressed the little cub down and wiped it on the snow, then licked it hard, tightening the scalp of the little cub upwards, hanging his eyes and exposing the whites of his eyes in revenge, and then it was over.

As a technical supporter of the fishing operation, Luo Qiu spent a few days of leisure without shame or impatience.

Until one net after another, groups of cats returned from Gemstone Lake with full loads. They divided the fish meat as high as the snail hills, then froze it and began to store it in the collective storage hole of the tribe.

Dressed As A Cheetah Cub In A Primitive FarmingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang