Woohoo! Not to mention anything else, the way the neighbor’s uncle masturbates the baby is so comfortable!

The little cub, who had a row of five-star reviews in his heart, looked so comfortable that he felt sleepy. He squinted his eyes, and the tip of his little tail behind his butt swayed up and down from time to time in response to the force of the big tiger's grooming.

When it was combed off hard, the little tail actually lifted up and swayed from side to side. When it was not combed hard, the tip of the little tail fell limply to the ground.

After Noko lowered his head and brushed the little kid all over, he was somewhat dissatisfied and wrapped the little guy with his two muscular forearms. Then he lay down, lowered his head and rubbed against the little thing's back. The big tiger's ears flicked back and forth, smearing his scent all over the little cub before he felt satisfied and peaceful.

Naturally, Luo Qiu didn't think there was anything wrong with the action of the neighbor's uncle, a big tiger, lowering his head and rubbing his ears hard. When he was watching videos in the original world, he had seen that cats have scent lines in their ears. In front of the ears, some kittens with less abundant hair sometimes have a bald patch in front of the ears, which looks like the ears are connected to the forehead and there are bald patches on both sides.

But in fact, because the scent glands are there, the hair itself is not lush, but the long hair on the face grows back to block it.

Luo Qiu didn't know if the big tiger's scent glands were there, but it seemed like the neighbor's uncle had this kind of behavior.

When he was a human, he couldn't understand how animals could identify each other by smell, but after coming to this world and becoming a small animal, he discovered that the smells of different cats were really different.

Luo Qiu felt that smell was a bit complicated and could not be summed up by simple words. If I had to say it, the big tiger that was rubbing against his neighbor uncle could smell a pine tree smell. , there is also the cold smell of snow water in winter, and then mixed with the smell of some dried grass or something I can’t put into words. In short, it is a woody fragrance that is roughly similar to the smell of cold water?

This scent was filling up under his nose little by little as the neighbor's uncle rubbed his back with his ears, which meant that he was being thoroughly dyed by this scent.

But speaking of which, he doesn’t know what he smells like?

Luo Qiu recalled that Papa's spot smelled a bit like sweet persimmons in autumn, and Daddy's teeth smelled like grass that was a bit spicy, including the smell of the cats she saw later. Similarly, Luo Qiu felt that perhaps it was the smell that made him remember which cat it was more than the strange names.

Thinking like this, the whole little cheetah cub has been completely dyed by the big tiger. The little cub with the new smell of Noko feels like there are invisible white flowers floating around it. It jumps and jumps with its little paws. Jump to follow and check out the loot.

As for Noko, who had finished giving the little thing a taste, he lay there and was not in a hurry to get up. Instead, he lowered his head and buried his face after seeing that the little thing did not move towards a few larger and more dangerous looking cats. In the middle of his forearm where he had just circled the little thing, he then took a deep breath.

I have to say that another reason why Noko thinks this little thing is so close to him is...

the smell of the little cub is really good.

It's sweet, but not greasy. It's like a little plush paw when you gently scratch it under your nose. It smells a little bit like a warm temperature. If you smell it hard, it still seems to have a slightly spicy taste, which is completely different. The front and back are blended together, so Noko can't help but take two more puffs sometimes.

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