After the game, I figured out why. 

"Morgana. Morgana!" Mal called to me once the whistle blew and I broke away from my teammate's hugs. 

"What's up?" I walked over to where she was standing, smiling down at her phone. Her face was all lit up and bright. It hasn't been like that in a long time. 

"We're not going back go Chicago."


"I booked us a 2 flights to Denver." 


"Chloe had the baby." 


Mal's POV

We made it to Denver by 8:30 and went straight to the hospital. Morgana was jumping around, completely bouncing off the walls. 

"Hayley's a big sister! Hayley's a big sister!" She sung as we walked through the hallway to the room. "Okay Mal. Okay. Mal. Mal." 

"First of all, Morgana, you need to calm down." I laughed, her beautiful blue eyes blazing so bright. "And second of all, what's up?" 

"Do you think it's gonna be a boy or a girl?" 

"Definitely a boy." 

"I wonder why Chloe or John or my parents haven't sent pictures yet. That's weird. They love pictures. I-" 

"Morgana, please." I said, grabbing her hand as we found the room. "You need to be calm now. Take a deep breath." 

"You never answered the question though." 

"I think it's a boy." I said calmly, rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb. "Now let's go in and be calm, okay? I can't imagine how stressful having a newborn is." 

She nodded and squeezed my hand as we walked into the room. 

I saw Chloe holding a baby in the hospital bed. 

I also saw John holding a baby. 

"Heyyy!" Morgana said. I don't even think she noticed at first. 

"Is there two babies or am I drunk?" I whispered. 

"I think I see two." 

"That's two." 

"Definitely two." 

"Did you guys steal someone's baby?" I asked. 

"No, Mal." Chloe laughed. "There's two here. Little girls."

Morgana's hand flew to her mouth. She seemed in shock. 

"You didn't tell me there would be two of them!!!" She said, tears in her eyes. "I'm an aunt to THREE now!" 

Morgana freaked out some more and ran to Chloe as I walked over to John, who was holding one of the girls. 

When I looked up, Morgana, Hayley, Chloe, and Mrs. LaRue were all looking at the one baby, and it was like looking at the same person at four different ages. 

"They really look alike don't they?"  

"Strong genes." He laughed. 

"So did you know you were having twins?" 

"We did, we just chose not to tell anyone." 

"So do you have names yet?" Morgana asked, which ended my conversation with John. "I've got a suggestion." 

"I swear, if you say your own name..." Chloe shook her head at Morgana, who looked defeated. 

"Ooh! What about-" 

"Your middle name?" 

"How'd you know?" 

"I just know you too well." 

"Well you do have to name them before you leave the hospital, so you always have those to fall back on." 

"Got it." Laughed Chloe. 

We each took turns holding the babies and there were a lot of pictures taken before going back to the LaRue's house for bed. Mr. LaRue took us and Hayley to sleep over. 

"You know, Mal." 

"What Morg?" 

"They were born on the 22nd. There's two of them. And I scored twice today." 


"I wonder if I summoned the other baby." 

"Oh my..." I just laughed, and so did she. "You're such a child." 

"I didn't even finish my first year of college." 

"I think that would have done you well, love." 

"Or maybe I've been spending too much time talking to Ashley." 

"That's always possible." 

We both laughed as we got changed. She went to the bathroom to take out her contacts and switch into her cute glasses. I climbed into her bed and scrolled on my phone until she came in and laid next to me. 

"Should we go get something for Chloe tomorrow?" I asked her as she got under the covers. She turned to face me after putting her glasses on the bedside table. 

"Definitely. But that's a tomorrow problem." 

"For sure." 

"I'm exhausted." She yawned. 

I flipped over so I could turn off the lamp on my bedside table. 

"I love you." She said when I flipped back. 

"I love you too." 

She turned away after giving me a quick kiss. 

I was exhausted, but I couldn't fall asleep, and clearly she couldn't either. 

"Mal?" She whispered about 10 minutes after I turned the light off. 

"What's up?" 

"If we ever decide to have a baby, can we name her after my sister?" 

"Wouldn't that get confusing?" 

"No, I'm talking about Lena." 

"I'd love that." 

"Me too." 

Timeless - Mal Pugh (Third book to Attached and My Cure)Where stories live. Discover now