Chapter 4: Tales and Lessons

Comenzar desde el principio

Jimin jerked his head up and Jungkook saw the anger in his eyes.

'Hekate, implanted in Kasandra a love and respect for the species she came from. From then on, Kasandra never killed people by drinking blood. She never turned anyone into a vampire without their consent. And she was mercilessly killing everybody, who did.'

Jungkook threw his head back and looked at the first stars that started to appear in the light blue sky.

'When the gods vanished... when the faith in them collapsed... Vampires were free. The once celestial army was still walking on earth. Their offspring, created from their blood, could be killed because they did not inherit immortality... They've never got to taste gods' food. Kassandra wrote down The Book of Law that, once broken, is absolutely punishable by death. To this day.'

Jimin looked at Jungkook with eyes full of grief and irony.

'Vampires have laws?' he laughed bitterly.

'They have. And they care a hell of a lot about them,' Jungkook wasn't laughing at all.

'For example?' Jimin smirked, but there was nothing pleasant about the movement of his mouth.

'Killing during feeding - forbidden. Killing humans in general - forbidden. Risking exposure of their world - forbidden. Changing without consent - forbidden. All are punished by death. And those are just the basics.'

'If they are not allowed to kill, why was my family slaughtered!' Jimin yelled.

Jungkook looked at him with calmness.

'Why do you think Executors came here?' he asked.


'Those who killed the vampires who attacked you. Those weren't Guardians. Those were the elite unit of Guardians. The Executors. Trained and skilled to kill even the oldest, most powerful vampires. The Law was broken. And the breaking of the Law is punished by annihilation. No exceptions.'

They were looking at each other with dark, warning gazes.

'I can train you, Jimin. I can teach you how to kill vampires. I can teach you how to hunt them... You can kill as many of them as you like.' Jimin's eyes sparkled. 'AS LONG,' Jungkook underlined. 'as they break the Law. And attacking you is also considered breaking the Law.'

There was a challenge in Jungkook's voice. And there was mysterious thoughtfulness in Jimin's eyes.

'If you think I will teach you everything and then you will be able to start a killing spree - feel free to die. There are vampires you CAN kill. And there are vampires you better pray not to meet.'

'This all doesn't make sense...' Jimin shook his head. 'How do you know about all this? Who the hell are you? Why do you talk about hunters as if you weren't one of them?'

Jungkook was expecting this question. He had to wisely choose what to say.

'I can say you hate vampires to the core. If not - when all that you remembered today will sink - you will start to hate them. Still - can you make a line between hate and work? Do you want to be trained? Do you want to get skills, money, and fucked up life?' Jungkook smirked. 'If you can give me an honest answer right away, I will tell you who I am. If you need time - I can give you time and then tell you who I am. I can disappear. You can become a cop. Lead your life as you want. But not after you will know anything about me.'

'Why did you bring me here then?'

'You needed it.' Jungkook shrugged. 'I don't need you. But I guess I can learn how to cope with you if you will be sharp enough, devoted enough and have a clear mind. You saw two sides of vampires. You can be blinded by hate. Or you can use this hate wisely. In the second case - I can help you. If it is the first case - we will drove back to Seoul and say "goodbye".

Vampires Hunter (Taekook Vampire AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora