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"WE'VE SEEN SOME intense battles so far, and things are not letting up in the Boys' Pairs. After a 6.2 from his partner, Griff Temple, Baxter Radic paddles out to join the line-up against his interstate rivals" said the commentator as the Team stood on the beach watching the boys heat.

Lydia holds Summers hand as she watches Baxter take his first wave, on the outside Lydia seems fine, but on the inside she's a nervous wreck, she wants Baxter to preform well. She knows if he does bad, his sisters will hold it over him, make him feel even more guilty about everything.

Lydia looks at Summer who's rubbing her thumb in circles on Lydia's palm to calm her down, she smiles at Summer, without having to look up or down as the two girls are the same hight.

Everything seems to be going well until Wren shouts out a "come on, Bax" and it's like he has heard it, because the second those words come out of his mouth, the nerves come out and it throws him off his game and he fails his landing,  falling into the water.

"He's all over the place. You can't rely on him ever" Wren yells out in frustration. Lydia's had enough, she can't take it anymore and she just bursts out "Shut the Fuck up Wren"

This takes everyone back, as much as Lydia has made mean comments towards Wren she has never actually said them with such anger, her eyes narrow at the Radic girl.

"Excuse me?" Wren spits out, clearly offended by Lydia "are you deaf or something?" Lydia now took a step closer to the girl.

"You don't get to say things like that about him, not when he's done nothing but sacrifice everything he has for your stupid ass. The only person we can't rely on is you" she harshly points at Wren "how many times has he done your awful biddings? You don't get to give up on him the second something doesn't go your way" Wren can't hide the surprise on her face, her mouth hangs open slightly, she tries to get words out but Lydia beats her to it.

"You think I don't know? You think he didn't tell me what you made him do? Because he did Wren! Yet here I am still standing and Supporting him because I know Baxter is better than that. Because I know all of this!" Lydia motions in a circle with her finger "This is your fucking fault and I won't stand here anymore pretending like it's not. The only people you should blame for his horrible performance today, if you and your sister" and with that Lydia Storms off, leaving Ween Radic speechless.

Lydia needed to cool down, so for the rest of the first comp she decided to stay away from her team, she cheered on Bodhi for her score of 8.4.
She wanted to go find Baxter and talk to him but figured both of then need a minute to gather all their thoughts so she decided to stay and watch the other teams surf for another while.

Just as she was about to leave a girl approaches her "Lydia Gibson, right?" She turned to face the girl only to realise its Tuscany Bray "yeah? Why?" She asked unsure.

"I heard your little argument with Wren" she said, Lydia snorted at the word 'little' "yeah sorry about that, I hate when I'm trying to get into the zone before my heat and all I can hear is some idiot yelling" she apologises to her Rival.

Tuscany shook her head "no, no, actually I wanted to thank you, it's about time someone finally put the girl in her place" she said, Lydia raised an eyebrow at her "what do you mean?" Lydia asked.

"I'm guessing Wren never told you why they actually left Queensland?" And with that Tuscany Bray revealed the truth to Lydia Gibson.

For the rest of the day Lydia spoke to no one, she knew if she did, she'd tell everyone what Tuscany had told her, she has to wait for the right moment, she wants to tell Bax first before she drops the bomb on everyone else. She knows there's no use going to Wren about this, she'd just deny it, or worse find a way to make Lydia look like the Villan.

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