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" BIG MATCH-UP HERE, Poppy Tetanui, one of our State reps from last year up against former Queenslander Wren Radic and Lydia Gibson the next big thing" Lydia heard the announcer as she watched Poppy take the wave "Poppy Tetanui ripping here. Very solid start!" Poppy's performance was flawless, Lydia knew she had to give her absolute best "and Gibson answers, look at the way this girls moves! It's like she was born to do this" she couldn't have been happier with how she surfed her wave a big smile plastered on the girls face as she heard her friends cheers "Beautiful execution from Lydia Gibson!" Added the announcer.

"Wren Radic up next, This young import could be a huge asset to Team Victoria!" Lydia payed no attention to Wren as she had spotted a certain trouble maker distracting a security man, she smiled up at him shaking her head. It's like every time she looked at him everything around them became a blur, that is until she heard Wren shout Summers name and the girl suddenly fell into the pool.

"Can the idiot please leave the pool" the announcers comment made the Gibson girl laugh, "my angel who fell from the sky" she joked at her.
Summer laughed back and got onto her board making a go for it "Oh, my God. She just took my wave" wren shouted out in annoyance.

"Whooo, yeah go summer" Lydia clapped and cheered on the girl earning a Dirty look from Wren, Lydia the child she is just stuck her tongue at the girl and continued cheering on her American friend, she filled with Pride when she saw how good Summer had gotten, she smiled thinking of the many hours they spend together at the beach trying to teach Summer surf last summer.

Once Summer was done the girls finished their performances, Poppy and Summer were first to leave the pool as Ari Gibson made his way to his girlfriend "I'm so sorry about that" said Ari.
"No he's not" sing sand Lydia as she rushed past the couple, they both rolled their eyes at her and then engaged in their own conversation that Lydia had no interest in.

"Summer you're amazing" Lydia shook the girls shoulders in excitement "my saviour from the sky" she laughed, the group just playfully rolled their eyes at the two reckless best friends who clearly did not care about breaking the rules, Summer wrapped her arms around the shoulders of Popps and Lydia and they all begun to make their way to the changing rooms.

Lydia decided to ride with Summer not wanting to go home yet knowing Wren Radic is making her way home with Ari. "Respect, Margot. This is a legit party house" said Lydia as they all made their way into the house Summer and her mom will be staying in "Mm-hm. Everything else was booked out. And there is a strict no-party policy" Margo turned to Summer with a raised eyebrow. "Well, how else are we going to celebrate when I make the team?" Asked Summer, the conversation started to seem a bit more personal, Lydia did not want to be a part of that so she decided to explore the house.

By the time she went outside and found the pool Summer had joined her side "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Asked Lydia "oh I definitely am" replied Summer with a massive smile on her face, and that's when they 'strict no-party rule flew out the window' the girls Hugged in excitement "oh Sum Sum I'm so glad you're back" Lydia tightened the hug, the two girls shared a special bond, they were like sisters. The two bonded very quickly last Summer, Lydia opened up about her parents to Summer very quick which was unusual for the girl but she felt like she could trust her and then Summer opened up about her life in New York and since then the two became inseparable, until summer had to leave of course.

After Summer and her mom got settled in they made her way to the Gibson house where the group was hosting a small get together, the girls were singing along to the song that was playing on the radio when Lydia Spotted Honey skating down the road "wait stop it's Honey" Margo  stopped and reversed the card, Summer hurried to roll down the window "nice kick flip" she said as she poked her head out, Honeys face lit up and she rushed into the car. Summer and Honey excitedly caught up and Lydia watched the two in pure happiness.

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