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"I DONT UNDERSTAND why you declined Mollys Offer" said Summer as Lydia helped her pack her suitcase "first of all molly wants to make me into a swimsuit model she has no intention In me actually surfing, trust me she's been onto me for months now, second of all she doesn't see me for me she seems he for my parents, daughter of two famous surfers, hello? That's all she cares about and third of all Wren, no thank you" Lydia explained and summer just rolled her eyes "it could still be a big opportunity Lyds"

Lydia signed "yes and a Better one will come, I shouldn't just jump in on the first one I get, sometimes you should wait and something better will come around, you get what I mean" she raised an eyebrow at Summer who just laughed "okay now sit on this suitcase so I can zip it up" a few more songs went by and a few more jumps on Summers suitcase she was finally packed "I'll miss you" Summer exclaimed dramatically, Lydia just shook her head.

"Summer you'll be gone a few days" the girls were now making their way out to the purple Jeep parked outside Lydia's house, they greeted the other girls and once summer jumped in the car they were off.

Lydia decided to do nothing with the rest of her morning, she was planning on heading to the beach after her nap, her nap which never happened cause a very short text from a certain pink haired boy popped up on her screen.

"Get ready and bring a swimsuit, pick you up in 10"

The blonde girl didn't question it, she hopped off her bed and did like he asked, showing up out of the blue is Baxter's thing so she wasn't surprised when he just walked into her room "Bax! What if I was naked" she threw a pillow at him, he caught it without flinching "I wouldn't complain, in fact I'd join you" he threw the pillow back in Lydia's bed.

"No thanks I'd rather not have to bleach my eyes" she joked and he just laughed in response "are you gonna tell me what you have planned" she asked as the two made their way out of the house but before he could reply she spoke again "wait who let you in?" She stopped in her tracks "Honey" is all he said continuing his way out. He hopped over the door into the black jeep, Lydia raised an eyebrow at him before opening the door to get in, "Elo doesn't know I borrowed her car, let's hope she doesn't need it" he said and before Lydia could protest he had already started driving.

The two talked,laughed and sang to songs as he drove, the destination still unknown to Lydia. Baxter spend probably more time watching the girl than driving, the way her hair blew in the wind, the pink hair was becoming less visible now, he watched her when she'd lift her hands up to feel the air pass through her fingers, he watched her when she laughed at the stupid joke he had just told her. He watched as she sang her heart out to the song that was playing on the radio, how her eyes would light up when he would join in on the parts he knew.

The two had finally reached their destination "can you tell me where we are now" she asked as Bax started to take out the surfboards "sunshine, you are a very impatient person, but if you must know we are in Queensland, this beach here, is where I learned how to surf" he said proudly, Lydia grinned back at him, for some reason this made her happy, the fact that he brought her somewhere sentimental, to him it's probably no big deal, to her it means a lot "well Radic, what are we waiting for" she said, board under one arm and shoes held by  the other the girl started making her way towards the beach and he smiled at the sight, because he was about to share the same beach her learned to surf with the girl who's starting to become quite important to him.

The two surfed taking turns, they would observe the other and give feedback "your stance was off" said Bax "you should try again but like this" and off he went, Lydia observed then repeated, landing the trick perfectly.

Once the two finally got exhausted Baxter ran back to the jeep to put away the boards, once he returned to where he left Lydia, the two started walking on the beach "do you miss living here?" She asked, he shrugged "I guess so, I mean I grew up here and all my friends live here" he looked at her "but then again, once I was kicked off the team and moved away they never reached out" she send him a sympathetic smile "you're hundred times better than all of them anyway" he said and she playfully pushed his shoulder "so I'm your best friend?" She asked "hmm for now" he smiled down at her.

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