Twelve| Lee's

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Y/n nervously played with her fingers as she was presented to the oldest Lee brothers. She a beads of sweat broke out on her forehead exposing her nervousness. 

Oh shit- 

I sent them before but they seem scarier 

So scary :,)

Y/n slowly shuffled forward when she saw yut lung gesture to go with them, "she's ready to go, her few belongings can stay here" he looked his brothers in the eyes "the mission shouldn't take long" he affirmed smoothly walking her over to them quickly with his hand at the small of her back

His brothers looked between themselves smugly before wang graphed y/n's arm roughly pulling her towards him. Y/n stumbled over her own face barely catching herself from falling. She gave them a dour look as he placed his hand on her shoulder. 

Wang chuckled "I won't damage your toy little brother" he winked slyly. Yut lung gave him a fake small smile "I'll hold you to that" 

Hua came over putting a finger under y/n's chin "but you do know sharing is caring" yut lung repressed his reaction and stayed silent. Y/n looked between them feeling herself tense. 

This was NOT happening 

I did not sign up for this

I wanna go back to my old captor

Y/n deadpanned at her own mindset, 

ash would not approve of that mindset

Plus a super spy shouldn't be thinking like that either


She shifted her feet and shakily jumped when Wang clapped his hands briskly "well we have to go, do your job well yut lung" hua nodded "I'm sure you won't disappoint" he then wrapped an arm around y/n's shoulders leading her towards a plain looking sports car with heavily tinted windows. 

Hua gave her a smile opening her door, y/n'a nose crinkled

I am not falling for the Mr. Nice guy act


You CANNOT fool me 

Her lips thinned as she cautiously slipped into the still vehicle the other two brothers were quick to follow sitting on either side preventing any attempt at escaping. The car began to quietly purr as they started towards their destination.

Hua turned to y/n as he loosened his burgundy tie "so y/n" he began drawing out the last letter of her name condescendingly. "At first we thought you were a bad gamble, but it turns out you've been quite the win" 

Wang smirked as he began to type on his phone, y/n shrugged her heart beginning to speed up, "I guess" she replied "we all knew ash wouldn't fall into your dumb trap anyways" she grimaced 

That wasn't supposed to be out loud

Hua frowned before giving her a smug look  "well, it turns out that's not true" y/n frowned " what do you mean?" He chuckled "well, yut lung is going somewhere to catch him and apparently a Japanese boy" y/n's nose wrinkled and her brows furrowed "a Japanese boy?" 

Who is ash with? 

What Japanese is dumb enough to come here?

Hopefully it's no one bad- 

Did his dumbass get kidnapped too?

Couldn't be me 


Hua smirked "just your replacement, honestly he hasn't even made an Attempt at finding you" y/n frowned as the car made a sharp left and pulled into a cobblestone driveway. Y/n peered through the grey tinted windows gazing at the simplistic modern architecture. 

Meh I've seen better

Y/n thought smugly thinking back to the pristine mansion she spent the last few months in. The car parked the driver pulled down the window stating the obvious that they had arrived before y/n was lead once again into a strange place where she was being held captive.

Can this not be a trend 

The inside of the mansion was full filled with what looked to be historical artifacts and boring decor. Wang gave her a warning sideways glance as he left the room leaving her with Hua and a maid.

 Hua turned to the maid shoving y/n towards her "take her to the spare room" he ordered as she nodded fluttering her eyelashes at him as she did so. "Thanks Briset" he then winked at y/n bed walking off. 

The maid shot daggers in her direction as y/n deadpanned and her nose scrunched in disgust

Girl if you want him take him- 

I definitely don't want him bleh

The maid begrudgingly led her to the spare room and turned and closed the door with a haughty huff, y/n rolled her eyes and took in her surroundings it was about the same size as her room in yut lung's mansion minus the elaborate decor. She sighed throwing herself on the bed "I already hate it here" 


Yut lung played back the scene of y/n leaving in his head, as much as she annoyed him he couldn't help the slight anxiety that was clawing at the edges of his subconscious. He was worried what his brothers would do without supervision. He frowned at himself why does he even care? 

He shook off this thoughts gazing down at Esme who gave him a light knowing smile. He rolled his eyes upturning his nose "and why do you look so smug?" He remarked as she shook her head with a withered laugh. "You'll realize soon" 

Yut lung sighed at her vagueness "I think you need some dementia medication" he sneakily remarked causing him to get hit on the back of the head and Wu to bite his lip to keep himself from laughing. 

"I hate you all" he mumbled annoyed but they could all tell he was masking his amusement. "Arriving in ten, and intel says that ash lynx will probably be there in fifteen they apparently got lost" he chuckled 

Yut lung sighed pulling out his phone, "we will be there soon, make sure the performance is believable. We don't want ash suspicious" After a few yeses the call  was ended and he pocketed his phone. 


As yut lung got thrown to the ground by his fake kidnappers he released a breath of air as he closed his eyes to mimic passing out. 

I didn't want it to be that believable he internally grumbled to himself as he felt someone else slip there hands under him and lift him into the dawson manner.

 He internally smiled to himself, phase one was complete 

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