Nine| Picture frames

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Yut lung glanced at his drawer for what seemed to be the hundredth time this evening, laughter bubbled from downstairs making yut lung roll his eyes with a scoff downing the glass of wine in his hand before pouring another sourly. 

His lips formed a thin line as he felt his eyes go towards it again once more, why..why did she have to grab that out of everything in his room. He tisked releasing his hair from its ponytail letting it freely cascade down the length of his back. 

He glared setting his glass down on his vanity before wrapping his sleeping robe tighter around himself. He shuffled over to the dresser slowly opening the drawer. 

The broken picture frame was turned upside down the tape peeling in random places making yut lung frown. He sat on his bed, it dipping from his weight as he grabbed the picture with careful hands. 

He slowly flipped it around his hands shaking as his eyes widened in anticipation. When was the last time he properly looked at this photo? He placed it in his lap letting his hands caress the surface as he felt a burning sensation beginning in his throat. 

He took a look at the photo letting his eyes soak in every detail of the soft looking women holding a small child on his lap. He felt his eyes water as he swiped them away angrily. 

His mother truly was beautiful, she had a gentle smile, gentle hands and a gentle voice yut lung remembered hearing throughout his early childhood years. As the good memories flooded into his mind the bad ones were quick to follow. 

The scent of iron and the sounds of her screams filled his senses, he always hated flashbacks like these. He felt like he was reliving everything again. He could almost feel his brothers hands wrapped securely around his chest as he took in the sight of his mother before him. 

He glanced down at the picture again removing it from the broken frame as he ran his hand over the tape filled photo, a small blood splatter occupied the corner of the photo making him frown. 

When he stared at the picture he could almost smell the spice filled tea his mother used I brew for him with every breakfast. He vividly remembered that the scent always tickled his senses and left a slight hint of spice on his tongue. 

No one's ever been able to replicate her tea, quite like she did. He felt warm tears roll down his cheeks as he wiped them away, he worked so hard keeping this photograph trying to keep the memories that came with it. 

Yut lung stumbled towards the blood filled floor aimlessly as his brothers conversed in the background, the young boy ran his hands through his mothers usually silky hair. 

He glanced over at the fallen dresser as he quickly darted across the room tucking the cracked frame into the jacket of his changshan. 

"Yut lung over here" Wang called roughly pulling the young boy by his arm. Yut lung stumbled behind them staring up at his older brother's expressionless. 

They were in a mansion when, yut lung was finally left along, he took the picture out of its hiding spot and grabbed tape he found in the oversized mansion and diligently put the glass back together. 

"Ouch" he muttered holding his thumb as a glob of red dropped in the corner of the photograph, the door opened causing him to jump. Hua glared down at him "who said you could have this" he reprimanded harshly taking the photo from yut lung who stood up following behind him pleadingly. 

"Can I please have it  back" he begged as hua scoffed in his direction. He stared into yut lungs dark eyes as he brought the photo up ripping it into multiple pieces.

 "You'll thank me later, love makes you weak little brother" he smirked gesturing for a body guard to take him back to his room. 

Yut lung helplessly reached out for his photo as the maid watched troubled. When the kitchen was empty she fished all the pieces out into a bag gabbing tape and glue. 


Later that night she knocked on the young boys door opening it slowly "young master I have something for you" she smiled kindly as the boy started numbly at the wall. "Hm" he responded 

Esme came and sat on the bed, "it looked important to you" she added as yut lung hastily fixed the picture. "Thank you" he murmured his lip wobbling esme smiled sadly at him.

She hesitantly opened her arms "come here dear" yut lung clutched onto her maids outfit letting his tears dampen them

Yut lung shook his head of his thoughts placing the picture on his bedside table. "Stupid y/n" he mumbled to himself returning to his glass of wine staring out at his balcony. 

Laughter came from downstairs again causing yut lung to stop his food childishly, he descended down the steps watching from the hallway as y/n pointed at the screen laughing at what he assumed to be a funny scene. 

Wu sat off to the side looking up, noticing yut lung he smiled patting the seat next to him. Esme noticed wu's movement nodding in agreement before turning her attention back to Rosalind and Y/n debating over characters. 

Yut lung awkwardly sat besides Wu, his lips tilted downward "you all were so loud I can't possibly get any sleep and seeing as this is my house I can be down here if I want" he told them arrogantly 

Y/n smiled at him gesturing to a plate, "im glad you joined us! Here try a brownie" yut lung stared at them skeptically before grabbing one taking a bite "it's not awful" he said taking another bite before finishing it and grabbing another. 

Wu smiled proudly "I told you my brownies were the best" he boasted 

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