Six| Unimpressed

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The blond stomped through the quiet halls before stopping at Golzine's door. The bodyguards eyed him wearily shifting their bodyweight into a protective stance as Ash threw the door open with more force then necessary.

One of the guards moved to restrain him and the other held up his hand gun. Golzine watched them from behind his polished desk "stand down" they did as they were told muttering "yes papa" before walking back to their stations closing the door as they did.

Ash gave dino a glare holding up his phone "what the fuck do you mean she's been kidnapped?!" His chest was heaving from running all the way here. His bike just had to be broken at the worst possible time.

A thin layer of sweat coated his brow and dino sighed "Your overreacting ash" he said nonchalantly and ash walked closer to the desk slamming his fist on it. 'I'm not asking again you old hag"

"calm down lynx, and judging by your reaction your not the one who took her. So I have a task for you. Find who took her and kill them. For my reputations sake" he Said gesturing to the oversized flat screen TV on the other end of the room. 

Ash watched as y/n's bodyguard fell to the ground and was caught by the other. Their face wasn't able to be recognized. But he Walker up behind y/n pricked her with some sort of needle and then proceeded to throw her into a Navy blue sport's car without a licence plate.

"Why haven't you sent any of your men out yet?" He asked giving dino a side glance and the older man lit a thick cigar taking a puff put of it before blowing the smoke in the blondes face. Ash internally gagged but held eye contact with him

"she's not that big if a deal...not worth much, she is pretty through... Obviously not my type. Could've made me some nice business deals...but other than that not worth risking my mens lives for" he said in between smoking the cigar occasionally tapping it with his finger letting the ashes fall into a small tray.

Ash rolled his eyes with a scoff "since when do you care about your mens lives" chuckling dryly he shook his head and turned to leave slamming the door behind him.


Y/n sat in the living room flipping through an old magazine a pout plastered on her face

Im so bored...I know Im being held hostage but this isn't fun at all.

Flipping through them magazines aggressively she groaned closing the booklet before throwing it towards a side table. It hit an empty water bottle and y/n huffed getting up to throw it into the trash bin.

Bending down she grabbed the crinkling plastic and stood up banging her head on the table the sound seemed to echo in the empty room.



This huts really bad...

Rubbing her head she looked at her hand sighing in relief when she saw no blood. "You're an imbecile" Yut lungs voice stated from behind her in a condescending tone. Y/n turned around angrily

"Im not dumb!"

That was really embarrassing!

Internally scolding her self she averted her eyes

I think Im way to embarrassed-

It was just a bump on the head!



Yut lung looked at her uninterested "follow me" he said turning around on his heel and leaving. "me?" Y/n asked pointing to herself. Yut lung stoped walking and turned to her his face scrunched in visible disappointment

"No, the guy behind you". Y/n turned around and then paused ".... You meant me- yeah I get it now" she quickly followed him and he rolled his eyes "tch"

He's scary!

Like seriously scary

I wonder where he's taking me-

Did he finally figure out that this isn't the way to kidnap ash?!


Yut lung paused in front of a door before grabbing the golden knob and opening it pushing it open. The room was pretty instruments were set up and a large window let sunlight fill the room making it look almost angelic.

The room was quite large. The walls a white with a good strip in the middle of each wall. A cream coloured couch sat on the opposite wall of the instruments a clear glass table in front of it.

Yut lung pointed to the violin case that sat on a nearby chair before taking a seat on the couch a pot of tea sat on a silver tray along with an oriental tea cup and saucer.

Y/n opened the violin and stared at it. Everything was in perfect condition and the bow string didn't even have any little bugs meaning that it was used frequently.

I wonder if he plays it?

Glancing over to him she saw him quickly pull his hair into a clean braid before pouring himself a cup of tea. Looking up he scowled noticing her looking at him. "Well? I haven't got all day" he said and y/n nodded shaking herself from her thoughts.

Grabbing the violin she drew the bow across it once making sure it was properly tuned and noted to herself that it was meaning that he definitely played it.

Deciding to attempt to impress him she wanted to play her favorite piece, Paganini caprice No.1  The constant movement of the bow and her fingers made her regret the choice of song

Yut lung watched uninterested peering over his steaming up of tea as her song came to an end. She watched him expectantly before pouting

"hey you could at Least clap!" She remarked lowering the violin and pointing her bow at him. He scoffed setting down his cup "as if. Your free to go" she let out an indignant huff and stormed out the room.

I was amazing


How dare he


She looked at the instrument in her hand and cringed "I have to put these back don't i..." She said to herself and slowly walked back to his room his guard in front of it. "Erm I have to put this back and uh please don't kill me"

Wu watched her amused before taking the instrument from her hands sending her a  soft smile that was barley noticeable. "I'll save you the embarrassment and take these to him" he suggested Y/n sent him a grateful look "oh my gosh thank you!"

A gentleman AND model material!

Husband material

Unlike the mean man he serves

Maybe I can convince him to run away with me

Hey what's his name again?


Brought out of her thoughts by a light tap on the shoulder Wu raised an eyebrow "oops sorry bye bye!" Y/n ran away her cheeks warm

"that was embarrassing.."

"what's embarrassing?" Rosalind said poking her head out from the other side of the wall
somehow dodging y/n's incoming hand


Wu is underrated fight me- 

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