Four| Twenty Thousand

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Y/n groaned sitting up rubbing her head that was still fuzzy from sleep and whatever they used to knock her out. After her mind un-clouded she sat up quickly looking around the plain room. It had a simple bed and a small bathroom.

Ok...where the fuck am I?!

and why the hell am  in a cell room thingy!

Standing up she went to the window only to see thick metal bars blocking her from breaking it. And she went to the door and of course it was locked.

Her heart beat was starting to pick up speed as she silently panicked. Looking around the room looking for a way out.

Trying to remember what happened yesterday all she could remember is the stranger grabbing her in the kitchen but everything other than that was blank.

How long have I been out?

She walked over to the plain white door and placed her ear against it hearing nothing until footsteps neared the door. Hearing a click it opened before she could move and she fell face forward onto the floor.

"GAHHH!!!" Quickly picking herself up she came face to face with Hua Lee. He smerked at her and grabbed her wrist firmly "well hello there your finally up i see" he said with a triumphant look

Y/n struggled to get out of his grasp "why am I here?!" She demanded and he chuckled "your simply a bargaining chip" he said flatly as he threw her back into the small room.

She watched as he closed the door and she heard it lock from the outside. looking at her wrist she saw red marks where his fingers were and she knew that it was going to bruise.

But that was the least of her worries at the moment. Her only concern was getting out of here. I've been kidnapped by the Lees.

Why- I don't know.

Also what did he mean by a bargaining chip??

Im not worth anything to anyone other than ash-

She paced around the room looking underneath her bed and in the bathroom for anything she could use to escape or use as a weapon.  Finding nothing but a roll of toilet paper she sighed defeated and slumped against the wall.

I'm going to die!!!

Y/n wailed internally. But she felt the weight of the situation hitting her and her chest tightened.

What would ash do?

Well he's like a ninja and is a genius so I can't do anything ash does...

Glaring at nothing she crossed her arms cursing dino for not teaching her how to fight.
Its not like she didn't ask either.


Eight year old y/n quietly padded through the empty halls of the cursed mansion until she knocked on the familiar door she noted to be dino's office.

"come in" he called and rolled his eyes when he saw the h/c haired girl. "What do you want?" He asked already sour that he has been stuck with her since she was six. Two years of caring for a kid who barley made him any profit and was wasting space.

"um..I was wondering if I could learn SUPER cool things like ash! Y'know the pew pew stuff" she said making finger guns. Dino rolled his eyes but they lit up.

She could actually be of use to him. How many people would pay to see a child prodigy play an instrument? Many. He clasped his hands together and gave her a grin.

"no. How about instead you learn something ash doesn't know how to do? Maybe an instrument. That sounds cool doesn't it" he said trying to make it seem more exciting than it actually was.

And y/n being the child she was ate it up like the last cookie. "WOW! something ash can't do!!" Dino nodded and told one of his maids to hire a teacher


And that's how her violin career started. Not that she minded but-


she gave up and walked over to the bed. She couldn't fall back asleep and started at the ceiling. "I'm so bored!" She groaned but quickly sat up when the door opened.  A familiar feminine boy came in a paper and pen in hand.

Oh..its that pretty boy from the party!

Maybe he can help me!!

"Y/n I am going to need you to write a letter" he said in an uninterested tone while setting  the items down on a small wooden desk in the corner of the room.

"hey- I kinda got kidnapped and now I'm being held against my will so if you could help me that'd be great <3"

He gave her a degrading look "are you an idiot?" Y/n's smile faulterd "I am but you didn't need to say it like that :("

he sighed muttering something underneath his breath "I'm Yut lung Lee. The one who kidnapped you in the first place??" He said hoping that she'd catch on. Why did we take her again? He thought to himself deadpanning.

Y/n tapped her chin then snapped her fingers giving him a bright smile "Oh! So you're the one who kidnapped me in the kitchen" she said before her smile was quickly replaced with a glare "and made me loose my Oreos... YOU OWE ME OREOS NOW"

Yut lung pinched the bridge of his nose "tch whatever I don't care just sit down and write this damn paper!"  Y/n smiled triumphantly "okay<3"

I totally won that argument just now

Ikr- I'm so cool B-) 

Heh yeah! Super duper cool

Yut lung stood behind her as she sat in the chair "soo what do I write?" he passed her the pen "write I have been kidnapped by the Lees, to get me and ash back they want 20,00 for the girl and hand over banana fish for the boy" Y/n listened to him her brows knitting together in confusion.

What the fuck is banana fish??

Sounds like some fever dream shit


Wait twenty thousand-

"HEY! I'm only worth twenty thousand!?" She yelled angrily and he gave her a confused look. "Yeah your right. Your worth less" he said with a smerk at the end and y/n glared at him

"I hate you" she said crossing her arms and he snorted indignantly and rolled his eyes. "Why should I care. Your my prisoner after all" she huffed grabbing the pen and writing down what he said.

He looked down at the paper and disregarded it with disguste. "Your handwriting is terrible" she flushed in embarrassment and threw the paper at him "you write it then!"

I really wish she would stop yelling its giving me a headache Yut lung thought only wanting to finish his task and go have a cup of tea.

He sighed "I cannot write it we need your handwriting to prove we have you." He said and y/n nodded finding it a reasonable explanation "wait- you said you had ash? Where is he I want to see him-"

Yut lung chuckled "you really are an idiot. My brother already told Said you we're a bargaining chip. The money isn't that important. But ash is. Ash is loved by dino his precious little lynx. And who does he care about? you." Yut lung watched as realization washes across her face.

"so you're  using me to get to ash to get to dino to get to banana fish?" She said and Yut lung sighed "yes" y/n rolled her eyes "that's a lot of work for this banana fish if you ask me. But whatever ash is going to kick your asses so Im not worried"

Finishing the paper she gave it to him "here" he took it and walked off silently y/n watching his back as he left and the door shut with a click behind him.

I really hope ash can kick there asses-

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