Eight| Succinylcholine

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Ash paced his messy room violently his feet thudding against the poorly constructed floor as he brings his fist down onto his desk causing the glass capsule filled with an off white powder to clink as it jolted. "Damnit!" He cursed throwing himself into his chair and grabbing the small bottle into his hand. 

He brought it to his face with a frown shaking it watching as the powder shifted from side to side. He pocketed it and leaned back in his chair, tapping his foot impatiently. 

He's been sending his men out everyday to look for any sightings of the missing girl but didn't find any, the only things he found were yet another secret the balding pedophile was hiding. 

He pushed himself out of his seat tucking his gun into the waistband of his jeans before giving his room a once over. He left shutting the creaky door behind him as he stalked off towards the bar hoping to hear of any news regarding y/n


Y/n cheerily stumbled into yut lung's bedroom room causing the black haired boy to stir, "get out" he mumbled from his desk as he carefully mixed two bottles of different liquids together.

 She came up behind him "what are you making?" She whispered making him jump and narrowly dodge a glob of liquid that splattered onto the floor. He whipped his head around angrily "what is your problem and how did you get in here?" He seethed carefully wiping away the access liquid. 

Y/n smiled cheekily "well I opened the door and walked in I mean it's a basic human function-" yut lung grabbed a needle pointing it in her direction "shut up" y/n nodded meekly before rocking back and fourth on the balls of her feet. 

Yet another near death experience-

"What are you doing anyways?" She questioned as he slipped clear gloved onto his hands. He gave her an annoyed glare before turning back to his task, "will you go away if I tell you?" Y/n nodded happily 

He muttered something about her being insufferable as he grabbed a beaker "what I'm doing if you must know is making succinylcholine chloride" he huffed, y/n tilted her head "suck sin o who now?" 

Yut lung gritted his teeth as he grabbed clear protective glasses. "It's succinylcholine you halfwit,   It's a quaternary ammonium ion that is the bis-choline ester of  succinic acid" he started grabbing a pipette Y/n nodded along watching him work 

I have no idea what any of this means but I don't want him to think I'm dumb 

Too late-

 mean :')

"It has a role as a neuromuscular agent, a muscle relaxant and a drug allergen. It is a quaternary ammonium ion and a succinate ester." He sighed as his hands flitted across the desk 

"Succinylcholine is a depolarizing skeletal muscle relaxant consisting of two molecules of the endogenous neurotransmitter" He then opened a drawer gabbing a mask and throwing one in her direction which she caught ungracefully.

  He placed his mixer over an open flame before closing it. He turned to look at her catching her confused expression and deadpanned "To dumb it down for you it causes muscle paralysis im just making it stronger so I can fully immobilize my victims" he retorted sending her a pointed look. 

Y/n sweat dropped "ahahaha so smart so smart...yeah" she fiddled with her hands as he packed away his things settling them neatly in a case besides his bed. He turned looking at y/n who was still tottering around his room. 

Y/n gazed over the various books on his shelf and a small picture frame caught her eye, it was worn down had a crack along the side which someone tried to keep together with various tapes. Y/n reached out to grab it to get a better look but her hand was slapped away.

Her hand fell as she rubbed it glaring at yut lung who held the picture protectively. "Stop snooping around my room!" he yelled stomping over to his dresser and putting the picture inside.

Defensive much =_=

He then stalked towards the door holding it open "out" y/n sighed her shoulders slouching. This seemed to be a common reoccurrence between her and yut lung. She did something stupid he yelled at her and they both went there separate ways and it happened all over again. 

She turned to him "uhhh want tea?" His eyes narrowed "no" y/n internally groaned as the door was shut on her and she turned to Wu who chuckled "didn't go as planned?" He questioned although he already knew the answer

Y/n shook her head solemnly "well it did at first, but he got all crazy over a picture, like damn don't have it out if you don't want someone to take a peek" she complained. 

Wu shrugged "yut lung is actually really nice once you get to know him, little bossy and bratty but tolerable nonetheless" he mused jokingly 

Y/n's lips upturned slightly "nice and tolerable are two different things" she sighed placing a hand on her side "guess I'll have to try again tomorrow!"  Wu smiled lifting his fist up slightly "good luck" 

Y/n chuckled "sooo wanna watch a movie or something" she asked looking up at him. He smiled "I don't see why not, I can get another guard to take my shift for a little bit" he smiled

Y/n smiled "perfect, I also have Rosalind and Esme planning to watch with me" she added happily. Wu placed a hand on his chin giving her a playful look "I see, I think this occasion calls for my famous brownies" 

Y/n looked at him "you can bake?!" She questioned he rolled his eyes "of course I can, I can cook bake, clean, guard I'm practically an all rounder" he announced happily. 

He's the perfect man wife 

Y/n wiped a fake tear "I accept your proposal" Wu gave her a confused look "i beg your pardon?" She waved him off embarrassed "uh nothing-" she followed behind him into the kitchen standing against the wall as not to be in the way. 

 She was still embarrassed by her boldness but couldn't help but smile "I should be kidnapped more often" she wistfully sighed as she watched Wu put on an apron and skillfully mix together ingredients. 

so I was looking at art  and does this kind of look like Wu or just me- 

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