Ten| Probably a bullet

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Y/n woke up the next morning to the sounds for hushed whispers and banging, y/n's eyebrows furrowed as she sat up squinting against the light filtering through her window. 

She glared across the room at the wall as she let her groggy mind clear, another bang sounded from downstairs causing her to jump

The hell??

She wiped the sleep from her eyes with the palms of her hands and stumbled to the bathroom to ready herself for the day, when she finished she dressed herself in a simple outfit and left the room, her sock covered feet padding down the hallway. 

She stumbled into a man carrying out a wooden trunk with another on the other side , he glared at her menacingly causing her to quickly mumble an apology as she deadpanned. 

Who's moving out? 

Am I staying here...

Did they all leave me here like a dog-

Y/n laughed at the thought before hopping down stairs and nearly running into yut lung who avoided her touch by stepping to the side. He had his arms crossed over his chest as he glanced at the movers. 

"The noise woke you I suppose" he pondered turning to her, y/n nodded "I need my beauty sleep" she complained jokingly  Yut lung rolled his eyes "no amount of sleep will help...that" he mused looking her up and down smugly

Y/n huffed crossing her arms childishly over her chest "rude" he stared down at her "I never said I was nice darling" he remarked condescendingly, y/n paused as he turned down the hall her eyes trailed after him a light blush rising onto her cheeks


Y/n pinched herself "I must be dreaming" she muttered to herself following him down the hall "sooo what's with all the commotion?" She questioned peering up at him as she skipped besides him 

"My brothers are coming" he answered curtly his lips curling in distaste y/n frowned "does that mean they are giving me back to gozline?" Yut lung tilted his head to stare at her "I doubt it" he entered his room where Esme and Rosalind sat. 

"Wu take her to the hotel" he said turning to his bodyguard he gave him a small smile holding his arm out to the young girl. Yut lung sighed handing her a bundle of chash "your getting cash I learned my mistake last time" he grumbled

The young girl smiled  devilishly as she winked stuffing the money into her pocket "let's go Wu I want that ice cream Sunday!" Wu laughed their voices fading into nothing as they traveled farther into the hallway. 

Yut lungs expression turned serious as he looked at esme and y/n. "My brothers are coming and I don't need any complications" he answered the unspoken question from y/n. "You will be in your room hopefully behaving" he grumbled pointing off to y/n. 

I'm not a child!

Y/n grumbled profanities under her breath as she stalked down the hallway. Yut lung sighed at her dramatics looking at Esme "tea please" she nodded her eyes wrinkling as she gave him an encouraging smile. 

Yut lung sunk into his chair a hand holding his forehead as a headache began slowly beginning to throb. The door entered and he perked up only to harden his expression. "Brothers" he greeted 

Hua gave him a sly smile "little brother why do you look so stressed" he questioned settling himself in the chair as his eyes danced with amusement. "The hostage is rather unpleasant" he responded sitting straighter. 

Wang laughed coming into the room, "she is quite the handful" yut lung stayed silent as wang dug into his bag pulling out photographs and throwing them onto the table. Yut lung scanned them looking at all the mangled corpses. 

"What exactly is this?" He questioned, Hua sighed "gozline said he has some secret weapon which we figured out to be something along the name of banana fish. We thought we could use two of his playthings to flush out the truth  but he doesn't seem to be interested in getting her back" 

Yut lungs brows furrowed "what does that have to do with the murders?" Wang crossed his leg and leaned back "we believe they are all connected, that's why your going to this address to impersonate the adopted son of Alexis Dawson" 

Yut lung raised an eyebrow "what will we gain from that?" His brother sighed "he's connected to banana fish rumored to have taken part in creating it, not only could we find information but we could also corner ash lynx it seems as though he's also gotten this address" 

Yut lung grabbed the paper with the address "so we're changing our plan?" He questioned Hua rolled his eyes "yes, instead of keeping both of them we are going to team up with gozline as if we found him then we should have more advantages" 

Yut lung stated at the array of pictures and papers on his desk, "understood,  but during my mission where will the girl be?" Wang smiled "with us of course" 

yut lung clenched his jaw "hardly necessary my maid and bodyguards are enough to keep here here" he began as he scooped up the photos into a neat pile. They ignored him standing up from their seats adjusting their ties and blazers. 

"We will be back in a weeks time" Hua said leaving yut lung alone with his thoughts. Esme soon entered settling a cup of steaming tea into his hands. "Is there a serious problem?" She asked yut lung's lips thinned. "Call y/n in here" 

Esme  nodded leaving the room traveling down the empty hallway and into y/n's room where she payed sprawled on her bed with a bored expression. "Oh esme! Did they finally leave?" She asked happily 

Esme smiled at her "yes, and young master requests your presence" y/n tilted her head "I wonder why" she murmured to herself. They both made their way back to his study and they watched him pace his room pictures in hand. 

Yut lung threw a few pictures on the table from the crime scene, esme peered at the pictures a frown tugging at her lips "aw poor dears I wonder what went through their head in their final moments" she sympathized y/n stared at the photos her stomach churning "probably a bullet" 

Esme and yut lung stared at her "y/n-" they began in unison with a scolding tone y/n darted back from the photos her hands up "hey am I wrong tho?" 

Yut lung dead panned "she's going to be the death of me" he grumbled to himself he turned to y/n his expression blank "you will be spending some time with my brothers it seems" y/n laughed "funny joke yue" he scoffed "don't call me that"

 y/n stared at him searching for a lie and when she found none she gave him an incredulous look "WHAT" 

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