Chapter 141: Publicity Stunt

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Yvian didn't know what to say to that. The Captain continued. "What we're doing now, it's bigger than what we did in the void. We're protecting a whole damned planet. Saving an entire species. Two, if you count the Peacekeepers."

"Peacekeeper units are superior," Kilroy reminded him. "We do not need saving."

Mims ignored him. "We did that. You and me and Lissa. This," he gestured at the crystal city, "all of this, is because of us. You had an impossible dream, and we found a way to make it real." He looked back up at the sky. "What we're doing now... I know it sucks. But it's part of the job. We'll be doing a lot of crap like this before enough of your people get trained to form their own government. But once that's done..." He shook his head. "Once that's done we'll see. In the meantime, we've got purpose. More importantly, we've got each other." He clapped a hand on Yvian's shoulder. "That's what matters."

"Affirmative," Kilroy remarked. "Purpose and relationships give life meaning. Units and meatbags that do not have them cannot live. They can only exist, and existence is insufficient."

"That's..." Mims frowned at the Peacekeeper. "Surprisingly profound. I was expecting something sarcastic."

"Peacekeeper units are superior in our wisdom," Kilroy's eyes flashed the white of pride "As we are in all things. Also, sarcasm is unnecessary. Yvian has already succeeded in lightening the mood."

"I did?" Yvian didn't see how.

Mims was quiet while he mulled it over. "Yeah." He spoke with mild surprise. "Kind of."

Yvian didn't know what to say to that, so she occupied herself by checking her wrist console. Five minutes before the next ship. Yvian pulled out her helmet.

"No," said Mims. "Keep it off."

"If they see my face we'll have another riot," Yvian pointed out. The last group recognized her immediately. Mims and Yvian had to shoot a bunch of them. Kilroy and the other Peacekeepers playing escort had to shoot a bunch more. Several of the pixens attacked again as soon as the stunshots wore off and had to be shot a second time. It was a huge mess.

"Then there'll be another riot." The human shrugged. "Lissa's orders. You're a Mother of Pixa. People need to get used to dealing with that." A hint of anger leaked into his voice. "It's gribshit anyway. You two should be national goddamned heroes. Seeing you treated like this, all because of one vapid bitch..."

"Wait." Yvian frowned. "Lissa gets it too?"

"Not to her face," said Mims. A hint of cold fury crossed his features. "Not anymore." The anger receded, replaced by the professional calm the human used as a mask. "Some pixens see her as a hero, but that doesn't change the fact that she publicly associates with a motherless. Makes her a controversial figure. A lot of people hate her almost as much as they hate you. They just know better than to show it."

"Crunch." Yvian compacted her helmet and put it away. "So much for lightening the mood."

A few minutes later, five ships descended from the sky. Haulgood freighters of krog design. Eight hundred meters long, fifty meters wide, and eighty meters tall. Like all krog ships, they were sleek, with gently curving lines and shiny silver hulls. Also like all krog ships, they were bristling with guns. Haulgood freighters carried strong shields and enough firepower to serve as a light frigate. They lacked the speed and maneuverability of true combat vessels, but they were still a daunting target for the average pirate.

The Haulgoods landed perfectly, making contact with the ground so smoothly Yvian couldn't hear it over the hum of the engines. Each of their cargo bay doors detached, forming a ramp down to the flat crystal that served as a landing pad. Four ramps came to rest five meters in front of a pair of pixens with Peacekeeper escorts. The last one came down in front of Yvian. She braced herself as she looked up at a sea of faces.

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