Chapter 7: Mother's Home

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    Deuce, Clawdeen, Frankie, Draculaura, Zabrina and Y/n all walk through the Monster High portal.  When they got to the human world Y/n looks at everyone "Okay, Do we all remember what I said." Deuce laughs and looks at Y/n, grabbing her hand "Y/n, we remember, don't worry so much. We will be okay." Deuce says smiling and looking her in the eyes. Y/n sighs and looks up at Deuce "Okay, I just don't want anyone to get hurt. Just follow my lead and let's just get my sister and get out." everyone nods in agreement "Okay let's go" Y/n says as she looks at Deuce and walks towards the direction to her home. They all walk up to an opening in a mountain, Y/n sighs and hears commotion, she turns around and looks at everyone "Okay I'm going in" she says looking at everyone and then finally stops at Deuce. Deuce looks at her in a worried look "I don't want you going in there alone, who knows what will happen." He says grabbing her hand again and sqweezing it. Y/n smiled and looked at him "Deuce, I'll be fine. Nothing will happen." She says still with a smile on her face. Deuce looked at her nodding, she goes to turn around and walk away but Deuce held her hand tighter, she stops mid turning and looked at Deuce who is now pulling her to him and slowly leaning in and kisses her softly. Y/n stands there a little shocked but kisses back. Everyone around gasps with wide eyes. Frankie nudges Deuce "Dude...." Deuce pulls away slowly again and smiles softly "Be careful" Deuce says to her as she nods and walks into the cave. "Dude....." Frankie says pointing at Y/n as she is walking into the cave, Deuce just smiles and shrugs.   

    Y/n walks into the living room where her family was, her dad was extremely mad as her mother was trying to talk Alandra away from her father. Y/n stood there with her hand on her hip with attitude "Can someone explain what's going on here?" Y/n finally said "Y/n!!!" Alandra said while running over to her and embraced her. Y/n hugs Alandra "Go, trust me okay." Y/n said while Alandra looks up at her. She nods her head in agreement and runs outside. Deuce is talking with the rest of the gang while Alandra was running out but as she was running out the cave she turned her head around to check behind her, not paying attention, she runs straight into Deuce. "Woooh Deuce!" Frankie says right before Alandra ran into him, Deuce falls as Alandra falls to but Clawdeen catches her before she fell onto Deuce "Deuce are you okay?" Draculaura asks as she is trying not to laugh, Deuce smiled as he turns onto his side and shook his head "Yeah, I'm okay, Geez." Deuce says chuckling. Deuce gets up and looks at her "Who are you? Are you okay?" She just looks at everyone "She isn't going to make it against our Mother." Alandra says "What?" Deuce said worried "I'm Alandra, I'm Y/n's younger sister. Our Mother is back and she is trying to take me. That's when Y/n came in, but our Mother is different. She is stronger. Y/n can't stand up to her now." Alandra said looking back at Deuce "We need to get my dad and Y/n out of there." Deuce nodded and without thinking ran in to help Y/n. 

    Y/n and her mother stared at each other for what seemed to be 10 minutes. "What are you doing Mother?" Y/n asked "Well, I want my Alandra back. She is different then you." her Mother said back as she looked at Y/n with the most intense stare. Y/n looked away for a second 'No, don't look away.' Y/n thought and looked back at her Mother. "You aren't taking Alandra anywhere." Y/n said, her Mother just looks at her evilly "What did you say to me." "You are not taking her." Y/n stands up to her Mother. Deuce comes in and runs over to Y/n lightly touching her arm "Are you okay?" Deuce asks as he looks over at Y/n's Mother "Oh geez, who is this?" Y/n's mother asks in disgust. Y/n looked at her mother getting angry "This is Deuce, leave him out of this, Mother. He isn't a part of this, this is between me and you." Y/n says and then looks at Deuce "Deuce, I really appreciate what you are doing but this is between me and my mother......" but before she could finish Deuce says something "We saw your sister, the others have her, but that isn't your Mother. I mean it is but she isn't the same." Deuce says looking at her worried "Wha.....What?" Y/n says looking over at her Mother but then looks at Deuce "What did my sister say?" "She said your Mother is different......" As Deuce was talking, Frankie runs in "Deuce!! Y/n!!!" Deuce looks at Frankie "Frankie? Is everything okay?" "Frankie!?" Y/n says "Deuce, Y/n, Alandra told us what is wrong with your Mother. She talked about how your mother went to Witches, she had them train her." Y/n's eyes started looking around thinking. "We need Draculaura. Frankie, Get Draculaura." Y/n says to Frankie lightly grabbing her arm hurrying her "Okay" Frankie says rushing out grabbing Draculaura. "Draculaura, we need your help." Frankie says turning around, running back down the cave with Draculaura coming up behind her. "Draculaura." Y/n says hugging her "What's wrong, has she done something?" Draculaura asked "No, my mother knows Witch craft. I thought you could help me try to find a way to stop her." Y/n asked looking at her determined "Okay, well let's see what she can do." Draculaura says. Y/n nods, Draculaura smiles and walks up to face Y/n's Mother.

Thank you so very much for the 318 views, OMG, I still can not believe it. Thank you to everyone who has commented and to everyone reading. I'm having some health issues so I'm sorry for not posting in a little while. Anyways until next time. BYE BYE!!!! (:

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