Chapter 2: Meeting a Gorgon

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Y/N packs all of her clothes and what she needed to live at Monster High for the next 2 years since she is a sophomore. Y/n was still packing when her sister came in noticeably excited and happy "Y/n I'm so happy for you to be able to go to Monster High, maybe when I get into high school dad will let me go to Monster High as well." Alandra said "I hope you can too someday Alandra, It would be amazing to have my little sister at Monster High with me and hopefully by then I'll have amazing friends." she said with a huge grin but she was secretly scared at what beholds her at Monster High. 

Y/n walks out of her room with her bags in hand, her father looks at her with a downhearted expression "What's wrong Father?" Y/n said worried "My little girl is all grown up, moving to a school, starting her own life away from home." her father expressed "Oh father, I'll be okay, I have a really good feeling about this. I know I'm going to rock Monster High." she said cheerfully. Her father just looked down at the ground and nodded in agreement "I know you will Y/n, just please remember what I told you and please be careful." he said nervously. Y/n just looked at him and smiled "Dad, don't worry, I'll be fine besides, I'm a dragon. I can do this." "Your right, now go make me a proud dragon dad." he said with a little bit of a laugh. Y/n nodded and walked out the cave, smelled the fresh air, and looked back at her father and sister and waved goodbye. "Goodbye, I'll make you guys proud. I promise." she said confidently "I know you will" her father said as he was smiling and waving goodbye. 

She made it to Monster High's portal that led her to Monster High. She walked closer and the portal opened, Y/n smiled and started to walk through. The portal was different shades of purple, and blue as she walks through as singing Coming out of the dark. 

Just so you guys can sing along to the song if you would like and if you would like to listen to the song (: 

After the song and dancing:

Y/n walks through the corridors and looks around, thinking to her self 'oh my ra, this place is amazing and oddly pretty'. She ended up bumping into someone, as she turned around and backed up "Oh my, I'm so very sorry, I didn't see you." Y/n said nervously, a guy turns around with green eyes and green hair. "Hey no problem, Are you alright?" he asked, he looked at her up and down to make sure she was okay. Y/n was extremely nervous at the fact a guy was looking at her in a way of concern. She gulped "Um uh.....yeah I'm okay, um thank you for asking." Y/n said in the most sincere voice "Good, I'm Deuce" Deuce interduces himself. Y/n notices the beanie on his head and pointed at it, He looks up as to look at the beanie "Oh yeah its to hide my snakes." he said, Y/n's eyes widen "Wait....did you say snakes? Your a Gorgon?" "Yeah, didn't notice from the green eyes and hair, well the glasses as well." he said with a chuckle. She just shrugged with a grin "Well what kind of a monster are you? You got wings I see, They suit you." Deuce said with a smile "well um....thank you, I'm a Dragon." she said with confidence "Oh wow, I've never met a Dragon before." he said "My name is Y/N by the way. Thank you again." Y/n said as she nodded her head down and smiled with her eyes at Deuce. He just looked at her with tender eyes and smiles "well Deuce, I will see you around hopefully. I really need to find my dorm." she said tenderly "Yeah, I hope so too Y/n, I'll uh see you later. If you would like to have lunch together sometime." He said with a grin. Everything seemed to her to go in slow motion when he asked her "Oh um....yes I would love too, Thank you Deuce." Y/n said with a big smile and tilted her head to the side slightly. She walked slowly around him and towards the set of double doors behind him, He turned around to watch her walk down the hall and smiled turning back around to walk down the stairs.

Y/n walked down the hall looking at the card and the walls trying to find her dorm room. She walked up to another monster "Um can you....." she started to say "Just ask the school. It's alive" she laughed hysterically. Y/n just looked at her and awkwardly smiled at the other monster, the ghoul just looked at her in disbelief "Oh come on that gets everyone." "Oh sorry, I'm new here. So I just ask." "Yes just ask." the ghoul said and walked away. Y/n just nodded and thought 'um okay' she started walking down slowly "Um can you help me....." as she was asking a door appeared next to her 'um wow okay that's trippy' she thought to herself. Y/n walked through the door and saw the number of her dorm "Ah number 204" she grabbed the handle and turned it, walking through the door she saw three beds, hers, a coffin and another bed but.....GREEN! 

Thank you for reading. Please like, comment and star, It would help me a lot. I really hope you are enjoying this book so far (: Until next time, BYE BYE (:           

 I really hope you are enjoying this book so far (: Until next time, BYE BYE (:           

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