Chapter 4: Friends or Foes

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     As Deuce and Y/n walk back to Monster High, they bump into two girls who are talking to another girl that kind of looked like a sparkly gem. "Oh boy Cleo..." Deuce says sighing, Y/n looked over at Deuce and back at Cleo "Who's that? How do you know her?" she asked "I dated her but we broke up over the summer." Y/n looked at Deuce with eyebrows gathered looking worried "Oh...." she said looking down at the ground. Deuce walked over to the two girls as Y/n followed Deuce "Standing up to Cleo, Bold move." he said smiling "Yeah well she wasn't really being nice to my friend here so I had to teach her what's up." the girl with a purple jacket and dog like ears says to Deuce "I'm Deuce by the way and this here....." he starts say and points over to Y/n who is standing next to him "is Y/n, she's new here. Are you guys new as well?" Deuce asked the two girls "Hi, I'm Clawdeen and this here is Frankie." Clawdeen says as she points to Frankie "Hi I'm Frankie, I'm made up of other monsters body parts." Frankie says "Hi Clawdeen and Frankie. What class are you guys in? As Deuce says I'm new, but I'm a sophomore." Y/n says looking at both Clawdeen and Frankie "Ah yes, we are, we are both Freshmen this year." Clawdeen says "Also don't mind Cleo, she has mummy issues." Deuce says.

     Y/n looked back at Deuce and then back at Clawdeen and Frankie "Well I got to go, have a good day guys." Y/n says, Deuce looks over at Y/n "Oh okay, I'll see you later." Deuce says "Bye have a good day as well Y/n" Clawdeen and Frankie say waving. Y/n walks off and went to class, Deuce walked in after and so did Clawdeen and Frankie. When Deuce came in he walks over and sits next to Y/n at another seat. She looks over at Deuce and smiles, he smiles back at her and looked at Mr. Komos. After the bell rang we all went to lunch, Y/n walked into the Creepateria to grab some food. Deuce comes walking in and sees Y/n "Hey Y/n, Everything okay? You kind of ran off earlier." Deuce asked "Um....Yeah, I'm okay." Y/n said while walking away, going outside and sitting down at a table. He walks over and sits down with her "Are you sure, you are okay? You seem off." Deuce asked, Y/n looks up at him "Yeah Deuce, I'm okay. Just looking at Cleo, I just got a bad feeling about her." she said grabbing some of her food and eating it.   

        Deuce looked at her and smiles "Don't worry about Cleo, she talks big but has nothing to back it up. Plus I got your back and our new friends." Deuce says trying to comfort her.  Y/n looks at Deuce with wide eyes "What? New friends? Are you talking about Clawdeen and Frankie?" she asks him "Yeah, they are actually really cool and super nice, even though Frankie can kind of be a little weird but its nice to have monsters like Clawdeen and Frankie here. Gives Monster High a nice feeling." Deuce continues as Y/n continues to eat and nods "Yeah, your right. I need to go find Clawdeen and Frankie, I need to apologize for how I acted earlier." she gets up and grabs the rest of the food on the tray and walks over to a trash can and throws away the rest of the food "I'll see you later." she says to Deuce. He abruptly gets up and jogs over "Wait?! Y/n...." Deuce says while reaching out to stop her from going, Y/n turns around and looks at Deuce worried "Yes Deuce? Are you okay." she asks "Yes, I'm fine. Can you meet me at our bridge? Say tomorrow at noon?" Deuce asks as he grabs her hand and holds it. Y/n looks down at their hands and smiles while wrapping her fingers around his hand "Our?" she said looking at him "Yeah, our, Its our bridge now. It's a place we can go together or if you want to just go and relax." Deuce says looking into Y/n's eyes and smiles "So what do you say?" Deuce continues "I would love to meet you there tomorrow." she says with a big grin "Awesome, I'll see you there tomorrow." Deuce says then walks off to class.

I hope you are enjoying the book, please like, comment and star if you are liking it so far and thank you to everyone reading and enjoying this. I'm having a lot of fun writing this. Please feel free to let me know what you think and please let me know if you have any suggestions for future chapters, I would love to read them. Sorry for a shorter chapter this time, having a difficult time this week but next chapter will be the usual. Until next time, BYE BYE!!! (:          

 Until next time, BYE BYE!!! (:          

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Dragonfire Diaries A Mysterious Encounter at Monster HighOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz