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Ameenah pov

I couldn't believe my ears from what my mum said I wished it was just some nightmare but it wasn't.

My lifeless body fell into the sofa as warm tears roll down my cheeks.

I didn't even know what to do at the moment, I have a date and now everything is ruined.

I ran to my bedroom and locked the door. I didn't know when I fell on the floor, I want to cry but I can't feel the tears.

I wanted the ground to swallow me. I wanted someone to tell me that this is all a dream.

I had thousands of questions to be answered. Suddenly my phone started ringing. It was khaleed.

What really should I tell him. I feel terrible for wasting his time, and money but at the end I can't even date him talkless of going out with him, after knowing everything.

I wiped my tears, picked the call and pretend to be sick.

"Hey, Khaleed" I said with thin sounding voice

"Hey, are you OK" he asked your voice sounds different" he added

"not really I just feel sick this evening I can't even walk right now" I lied

I really feel terrible that I have to lie.

"Ooh sorry babe, it ok i can cancel everything till your recovery, I hope you get better soon" he so comely

"thanks for understanding, I appreciate" I replied

"don't mention it, you deserve better" he said giggling OK let me not disturb you too much have some rest, love ya" he said excitedly

I wish he knows what my heart is going through.

I thanked him and ended the call.

I stood up entered the bathroom did my night business and changed into my pyjamas. I didn't even bother checking on my mom.

I lay on the bed but I couldn't sleep, I could feel hot tears rolling down my eyes.

'Why do I have to go through this, why me' I cried out till I have no more tears. Quietly I fell asleep without even knowing how.

I woke up with a Migraine. I weakly stood up headed bathroom, performed ablution, and cried to my lord.

'I really need to know how is khaleed my goddamn brother' I thought to myself, so I decided to go face my mom cuz I really need to fix things before it gets too far.

Upon arriving her room, I found her praying, I patiently waited for her to finish. I sat on the floor next to her couch.

"Good morning mom" I greeted

"morning Ammah" she replied

Without beating around the bush I went straight to the point.

" mom, can you please explain what's going on, how is khaleed my brother, does that means Amal is my sister, does khaleed knows, how are we freaking related" I said already loosing my patience.

"Ammah you need to calm yourself down and understand everything maturedly, freaking out won't solve the problem" she said so calmly

"OK please just go straight to the point" I said

She began

"you see, me and zulaiha(Amal's mom) where best friends since when we were kids, we happen to be neighbors, our parents where great friends that they even connected us we got so close that we became best friends.

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