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Amal pov

Minutes later we arrived at a restaurant. I felt usman's intense gaze but I didn't dare to raise my head, when he finally said

"we've arrived" he said

"a restaurant" I asked

"yap, just don't ask questions or anything just watch" he said removing his seat belt

"OK, as you say" I said smiling

We entered the restaurant and headed to our reservation.

I ordered chicken Taco salad with a milkshake while usman ordered boeuf bourgignon with milkshake too.

We were silently eating when usman said

" I haven't seen fahad for long where is he" he asked

"Ooh yhh, he has been in Australia for about 6months now" I replied

"Ooh wow I thought he's married" he said

"Nop not yet but very soon in sha Allah" I said smiling

Soon we finished eating we headed for ice cream shop. I've been taking ice cream recently and I'll soon go for another check up.

Perhaps the doctor will flog me.

Around 11:30pm, we were sitting in the car talking about nothing and everything when a police cruiser stopped beside our car.

Usman rolled down the window and the police officer said

"do you happen to see a guy dressed in all black running towards this street"

"No sir we didn't see anybody" usman said

"OK thank you" the police officer said

Usman noticed I was frightened so he quietly started the ignition and we headed home. He dropped me off and left.

I was searching for the gate key when someone from behind me said "day three abid and be safe" he said and disappeared into darkness.

I was a bit surprised no card in today's warning and it seems like his conscious about time cuz he came exactly at 12am.

'Does he really follows me everywhere I go' I thought. I just struggled and went inside.

Everyone was asleep except khaleed probably talking with Ameenah. I didn't bother checking on him.

I went straight upstairs, showered and changed into my pyjamas jumped on the bed.

I heard a really low sound which was coming from the locker beside my bed. I opened the locker and to my surprise I saw a red box.

Seems like the sound was coming from the box, I carefully opened it and found a talking teddy bear.

At this time I got frightened, I pulled out the teddy and found a card. I knew it should be from that so called 'unknown person' I opened it and this one says
'Amal, Amal, Amal, you seem to be a brave girl this days, you don't even read my cards anymore. And it seriously frustrating me, so here is the deal meet me tomorrow at magicland by 2pm behind the roller coaster. All love❤secret admirer'.

The one question I asked myself, how on earth did the box get upstairs inside the locker, does that means the person have access to the house and my room in specific.

I asked myself so many unanswered questions which got me really worried. I couldn't even sleep in the room, instead I kept the box back to it place and headed to fahad room.

I cleared all thoughts on mind and assured myself everything will surely be OK. I answered some messages before drifting into sleep.

Short right
Next part is going to be a lit.
Just kidding.😁 drama is already knocking on the door.

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