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Khaleed pov

I was seated in my room when I heard my mom calling "khaleed! Khaleed call the ambulance" I immediately jumped from the bed and rushed to her.

She was holding Amal's lifeless body
"have you called the ambulance!"

"yes" few seconds later the ambulance arrived we quickly left for the hospital.

I called usman and informed him.

"mom don't worry, she'll get better in sha Allah" I consoled my mom

the doctor came out from the patient room as I asked

"doctor what's wrong with her"

"her body veins were over stressed so they seized functioning that's the reason why she fainted, but Alhamdulilah you brought her early we were able to cure it if not it may have cause death" the doc said

"but is she awake" usman said out of blue

"not yet"

"are we free to visit her" usman asked

"yes but please make sure you don't stress her out" the doc advised

"sure, thanks so much doc" I thanked him.

Usman pov

"Amal please wake up, don't do this to me, I swear I love you, please wake up" I cried but no response

My dad has ruined everything, I don't know how to act normal again. I've never gone this crazy in my life.

He just won't understand how bad I love Amal, how hard it takes to see her hurt, to see her tears drop, to see her in pain. I feel everything.

Suddenly my phone started ringing, I checked the caller ID and it was Abbah

me: hello

Abbah: usman where are you

me: I'm at the hospital

Abbah: who's sick

me :Amal, she fainted

Abbah: listen to me, we changed the wedding date, it now tomorrow

me: Abbah tomorrow?

Abbah: save it, I don't want to hear anything and I expect to see you tomorrow by 12pm at the mosque. I hope I've made myself clear.

He didn't even let me say a word as he hanged up.

Ya Allah, you know what I'm going through, I trust all your plans for you're the best planner but ya Allah make it easy for me.

I prayed silently. she  moved a finger then her whole hand moved, then her beautiful brown eyes opened but tears were filled in it.

"how are you feeling beautiful"

"much better, where's mom and khaleed" she asked

"mom went back home while khaleed went to get you food"


I informed the nurse that she was awake,  the doctor did some checkup and said she was doing well but she needed more rest.

Amal pov

I glanced at the tired usman who was just trying to stay strong. I could see it from he's face, and the body motion that he's exhausted.

I glanced at the time and saw past 12 midnight

"usman it midnight, aren't you going home" I asked

"I don't want to" he said sounding annoyed

Now that I think of it, he might be going through a lot but just trying to be strong, he also needs someone to listen to him, someone to support him and someone to cry to. I know what his dad did wasn't fair for both of us at all, but he looks sad.

"baby boy" I called

I never call him names he mostly does so he looked at me with the surprised face

"come seat here" I said pointing at the chair beside the bed, he dragged it and sat close to me I held his hands into mine before asking

"when is the wedding"

"tomorrow" he said trying not to meet my gaze

"come on look at me, I want you to know that this wedding is Abbah's will not yours, but have you thought of it on the other hand obeying your parents. It's might be for the best, ofc Abbah won't ask you to do something that will destroy your life, he always wants the best for you" he finally looked at me.

He was trying his best to be strong and not to let out his tears but they betrayed him. He held me tightly as I consoled him.

"it ok to cry but I want you to do me a favor" he raised his head to look at me

"what is that" his husky voice asked

"I want you to forget about me for sometime, focus on the wedding first, give the girl what she wants have fun together be happy couples, but I promise you this ring is going to be on my hand forever, I won't resist getting married to you and I don't mind coming in as a second wife but for now I want you to forget about me" my tears were already falling

Every single word I utter breaks my heart but I hope is for the best.

"nooo no no! that is not going to happen, Amal you won't understand how hard I've fallen for you, leaving you is the last on the list, I can't do...that ple..ase please Amal" fuck this time around he's actually crying.

He hugged me tight and kept repeating the word 'please' but he has to understand.

"I know it really hard but it for our own good"

"fuck hell! I said no! I'm not sticking to that, I love you and I'll marry you in sha Allah that's final!" he yelled breaking the chair into half

"I will marry her but bet me it won't take two weeks I'll come back for you, Amal we've been together for a year and a half, we love each other, we support each other so I'm not going to let that slide" he giggled then said

"nah, never not even a mistake" he left banging the door behind him

Oh God help me, what's this guy going to do.

What if I say I know you know 🎶

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