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Usman pov
I watched as Bilal slapped Amal, I wanted him to keep torturing me instead and leave Amal alone.

What he doesn't understand is that she means alot to her family and they still need her.

My face seems unrecognizable cause of the punches I received. I still didn't loose hope about the police.

Who ever this Bilal is, he most regret everything he did to Amal.

Amal seems very strong because she never keeps quiet to every word Bilal utters.

"you piece of shit I'll make sure I slaughter you in this building" Bilal spatted out of nowhere

He started punching my face, then my mouth. I kept bleeding but he didn't care.

The last punch I received was right on my eyes. I closed the eyes but I couldn't feel the pain anymore. My breath stopped as I felt vacuous......

Amal pov
I reluctantly unclose my eyes as the sun hit me right on my face. I didn't know what happened but everything felt like I lost my life for days and came back.

Usman looked very weak, I endeavor moving my chair in attempt to reach for him, I used my left leg to hit a water bottle trying to get it but then a feminine body picked it up.

She was backing me so I couldn't see her face, but She got this light brown skin, thick flesh and a tall height, she was wearing a baggy pants and a shortsleeve T-shirt. I guess she's one of those Bilal workers.

"Awwn such a lovely girlfriend, trying to help her thirsty boyfriend" she mocked.

"and who are you" I asked angrily

"easy trigress, you wanna know who I am" she said laughing

"lady this isn't funny at all, what are you doing here" I asked still confused

"you think I'll let you know who I am now" she smirked

"and you think coming here to act like Salman Khan is the right thing to do" I said with so much disgust

"malama I don't need your preaching I also watch Indian movies so save it"

She said and walked out of the building but still didn't reveal herslef. And she even went with the bottle of water. 'what a wicked soul' my inner self spoke.

I always feel guilty to even look at usman cause his suffering all because of me.

He raised his red eyes and tried to speak but he couldn't, his face was already swollen, he haven't eaten for good two days and all he receives is bunch of punches every minute.

"Ehem Ehem love birds how are you two doing" Bilal's voice came out of nowhere

"and all thanks to you for torturing us, but bet me you will regret every single thing you did" I wanted to yell but my body system was already weak

He then snaps his fingers and then two guys came in with a lady in between them. they were all wearing a face mask.

"you know what Amal, let me tell you what your so called boyfriend did. I personally told him on phone not to inform the police about anything but he thinks he's smart by telling his uncle to spy on him. But the one thing he doesn't know is that every single person around Lagos State is under my control even his uncle" he smirked

"and you're proud of that" I added

"Mhm especially having you around" he laughed

Hot tears rolled down my eyes because every single day I keep losing hope. It feels like I'm never going to see my family again.

I'm sick of everything and everyone, I just wish the ground could swallow me, I miss HOME................


Amal✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora