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Amal pov

"Ahhhhh!!!" I screamed. I had a bad dream.

"Amal what's wrong" my mom said. That was the last thing I heard and all I saw was blank.

Usman pov
"usman you need to hurry, Amal is at the hospital and all she's saying is your name" Khaleed said

"Subhanallah, I'll be there as soon as possible" I said and ended the call.

I could feel my blood pumping. I quickly rushed to the hospital where I found khaleed sitting at the reception.

"Bro, how's she" I asked out of curiosity.

"she has been in oxygen since we arrived" he said sadly.

I went straight to the room she's being oxygenated, I opened the door and sat on a chair beside her.

I just felt tears rolling down my eyes. I can't remember the last time I cried, most importantly cried over a girl. 'she's different' I thought to myself.

I held her hands, they were soft and cold. I couldn't hold back my tears.

I felt her fingers moving, but her eyes weren't opened. I immediately call out for the doctor.

Before the doctor arrive, I watch her open her eyes slowly. The first thing she said was "where's usman."

"I'm here, don't worry I'm here with you" I said calmly. she nodded.

Moment later the doctor came in, he checked her and said she's alright she just needs more rest, so she's going to be discharged tomorrow. I just received a call from my mom saying I need to be home right away.

I went straight to khaleed and told him that I'll be back by night time if possible and I exited the place.

Amal pov
The doctor advised me not to Stress out myself much. He prescribed some medications and handed them to khaleed.

I saw usman talking to khaleed and minutes later he left. Khaleed knocked and came in, he dragged a chair and sat next me. He began

"how are you feeling" he asked

"much better, Alhamdulilah" I said

"Allah ya Kara lafiya" he said

"Ameen, thanks" I replied.

"So Amal, I want you to tell me what happened earlier before you slept off" he asked

"Um Nothing" I replied avoiding his glance

"You seriously can't tell me nothing when clearly there's something" he said

"nothing happened I just had a bad dream that's it" I said

"Amal, I don't want to here nothing, cuz the doctor told me that you cried before falling asleep which stressed your eye nerves that's why your eyes are swollen" he said trying his best to keep his anger away.

I thought of it for a sec, should I really tell him, I don't want to tell him cuz I might risk usman's life. And I know khaleed his not going to leave it here he must trying tracking the person which I don't want.

"khaleed it's nothing" I said

"No!, there's something, just tell me! Or are you hiding something from me, as a matter of fact you were screaming usman's name, is he the problem?, did he hurt you?, come on Amal talk to me!!" he yelled

'oh God I called usman's name, then I just have to tell him' I thought to myself.

"alright, I'll tell you but promise you won't overreact" I said

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