Marlo mutters under her breath at the sudden end of the phone call, "Little shit hung up on me" Marlo snarls looking at Derek smirking at her annoyance.

"You're sexy when you're annoyed Lo" Derek shrugs and if looks could kill.

Derek would be six feet under the ground, "Oh no, no, don't flatter me with you handsome smirk and lust filled eyes, my brother just hung up on me" Marlo states angrily before sending the boy a very long message.

"His a teenager Lo, like we were all those years ago, plus his best friend is in Mexico with Kate and James, I don't blame him for wanting to go and try and save his best friend" Derek says shutting his laptop and walking over to the stressed out Marlo leaning against the table.

"I don't want you going anywhere near Kate or James, look what they did to you" Marlo mumbles looking at the smiling man.

"I'm still here, Lo" Derek states hugging her fragile frame feeling her arms wrap around his torso tightly.

After a sleepless night, Marlo calls Braeden to ask the woman to meet her and Derek at their shared loft to go over the plan for Mexico.

Once the brunette arrives she puts more weapons and ammunition on the table.

Derek frowns, "I still don't like relying on these things" Derek states looking at his fiancé and her best friend.

"I get it; you miss your power, I would, too" Braeden states looking at the former werewolf.

"It's not about power, it's about being able to help, I don't like feeling helpless" Derek mutters.

"I'm human, do I look helpless? Marlo's here as well, your vampire hybrid future wife to be, she isn't helpless either" Braeden smirks.

"You're both a much better shot than me" Derek states sadly and Marlo shakes her head seeing the look on the male's face, "Do you really think you won't be coming back?" Braeden asks.

"Not alive" Derek explains seeing Marlo inhale sharply, "You know I'm not okay with that" Marlo states shaking her head beside him.

"I am, if it saves Scott and Kira" Derek sighs seeing the look of hurt flash through Marlo's eyes.

"But, to be honest, I don't even know if this is enough firepower to take down one Berserker" Derek states looking away from the brunettes towards the laid out weapons and ammunition on the table.

"Not even close" a voice states coming down the spiral staircase.

"Killing a Berserker is next to impossible, it's not just the firepower, it's breaking the animal spirit from the human" Peter states looking at the three.

"Well, the only person we know with that kind of experience is Argent, and he's not getting back to me" Derek states looking at Marlo.

"His a little preoccupied at the moment Der" Marlo mumbles.

"Well, then you're going to need help, like Malia, maybe Liam, and definitely Marlo and I" Peter states smirking looking at the vampire-hybrid evilly knowing his plan with James and Kate is coming along perfectly.

Marlo looks at her phone seeing Stiles's name flash on the screen stating that he and Malia are on the way with Liam to get on the road to Mexico.

In The End ✶ Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now