Chapter Sixteen

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All the clouds in me are raining

-r.h. Sin

I sat in front of the vanity, staring at the sultan's bride. Her silken ebony tresses beautifully rolled up in a bun were decorated with small delicate flowers. Draped in a a scarlet flowy gown with beads sparkling on it like stars, she seemed to be hidden in a velvety embrace. The makeup had enhanced her lips to look plump pink, and her pale complexion to look vibrant. She looked ethereal and majestic, like a Queen. Everyone around me seemed to praise her like she was divine, except no one noticed the hollow in her light brown eyes.

I watched as the girls held a red netted veil behind her. They let it fall around her blocking my view to look at her, as a tear started streaming down my face. I then kept looking down staring at the henna painted hands which belonged to me. The colour came out dark red. Amna told me that if the colour of the bride's henna comes out dark that means her husband is going to shower her with a lot of love. I didn't know about my husband but I wondered if I would ever be able to love my captor or would i die hating him for snatching away my freedom.

"Sayidi, your father is here. It's time for your nikkah." I heard the the commotion as baba entered my chamber, and made his way towards me. I could feel everyone move out as the room suddenly became quiet. 

"Noor ,habibti" Baba called me lovingly as he placed his hand on my head. 

"I know it's a difficult decision for you, but you have to know that whatever i have decided for your future is for your own good. I am sure sultan is going to keep you happy. Don't feel sad, i always want to see a smile on your face" He kept patting my head lightly. I didn't feel anything. I couldn't make out the meaning of his words. I felt like a statue, dead. Except the tear dropping on my hand reminded how much alive i was. 

"Come on it's time to leave." the door opened again and girls rushed to my side helping me to stand up with the heavy gown, as we started walking outside. Walking slowly it felt like an eternity until I reached the grand hall. The scent of roses immediately hitting me strongly.  As I stepped inside the hall, I could make out the outline of my surroundings through the veil. I walked further towards the section of the hall where i was supposed to sit, adorned with rich tapestries and vibrant flowers. The air buzzed with excitement, and the hall emanated a sense of opulence.I sat down, the girls helping me carry the cosmic gown. 

"Sayidi, it's time. The imam is moving towards the king to get his consent." Amna whispered to me as the commotion in the hall grew then suddenly quietened. The hall was partitioned into two sections, one for men and female so I wasn't able to hear the imam or the sultan, but by the applause and loud prayers rising into the air after a few minutes, I knew he had given the consent to accept me as his wife.

Soon the imam was sitting in front of me with baba. He began by reciting a verse and explaining how a relationship of a husband and wife is supposed to be and what duties they have towards each other. With each passing second i felt myself become colder when finally He asked me the awaited question.

"'Noor Suleiman' daughter of' Vizier Suleiman', do you accept 'Sultan Haider Ali' of 'Zahira' as your husband?"

My heart raced, thumping like a drum in the vast hall. The fancy decorations around me suddenly felt like they were closing in. The beautiful tapestries and grand surroundings became overwhelming. The air seemed heavy as I grappled with the weight of the decision I was supposed to make. The once impressive hall now felt like a cage, and I couldn't shake the feeling that my destiny was closing in on me with every passing second.

My mouth felt parched, i wasn't able to say anything. The noise in the hall grew at my silence and baba stood up to come and sit beside me.

"Noor, habibti, please answer everyone is waiting." he rubbed my back as I realised that i had no way out of this.

"I... I accept," my voice quivered, and the imam repeated the question.

"I accept" The heaviness of my words hung in the air like a thick fog. The question was repeated for the last time. I felt like my heart was going to burst with pain, as suddenly all the memories with Burhan, the memories i had created in the city and the memories of my grandmother replayed in front of my eyes. I felt betrayed, so betrayed by everyone around me.

"'Noor Suleiman' daughter of' Vizier Suleiman', do you accept 'Sultan Haider Ali' of 'Zahira' as your husband?" The imam asked again.

"I... accept" Gulping, I finally spoke the words that sealed my fate with the sultan forever, as the dam silently erupted from my eyes.

The sudden eruption of applause filled the room, celebrating a union that, I knew wasn't my choice. While everyone around me reveled in joy, my eyes betrayed the storm of emotions swirling within me. Despite the outward celebration, an internal conflict raged on, hidden behind the facade of acceptance.

Amidst the jubilation, I felt like a stranger. The palace buzzed with happiness, but my heart silently carried its own burden. 


Oh my god! I actually felt so sad writing this chapter. i hope i was able to do justice describing  the feelings of noor and her inner turmoil.

I hope you guys liked the chapter, don't forget to share your thoughts.

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