Chapter six

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Happy reading!

I will soothe you and heal you

I will bring you roses

I too have been covered in thorns


There is literally nothing worse in the world than sitting idly in a room, pretending to be happy amidst people you hardly know. So far, the training grounds were my only escape from this boredom, but I need more activities to have a stable mental health.

Dropping the pen and the paper on to the table, I stood up and walked towards the balcony of my chamber.

Standing on the palace balcony, I enjoyed the beautiful view of the gardens and sky as evening approached. The setting sun painted the sky with pretty colors, and a gentle breeze carried the sweet smell of flowers. The peaceful atmosphere made me feel calm and connected to nature. It was a moment to cherish, surrounded by beauty and tranquility.

But it wasn't enough. I needed something more exciting, something that would challenge me and make me feel alive.

I decided to go outside my chamber and find myself a distraction from this boredom. I stepped out of the door, not finding Amna and Aminah nearby, and moved towards the hallway on the right.

The palace was quiet for some reason, which was unusual and strange. I kept walking when I abruptly halted as soon as I saw it again.

It was the hallway no one was allowed to enter, the hallway that was illuminated by beautiful dangling chandeliers, the hallway that led to the chambers of the royal family.

You guessed right. It was the hallway I was about to trespass, remembering very well how Amna told me not to go there.

Seriously, I felt like hitting my head. How could I have forgotten about that? I had decided to go there long ago, how did it slip my mind? Never mind, I was finally standing there, and I would for sure enter it.

Finding no one around, I cautiously took a step forward and stepped inside the hallway.

The palace hallway was like a magical path to another world. The walls were carved with exquisite designs and beautiful chandeliers hung from above, casting a celestial glow that illuminated everything around. As I walked, my steps made a soft sound that echoed all around. I couldn't help but notice the exquisite artwork and colorful tapestries that made me feel like I was walking through a living painting. It felt like a different world that left me in awe.

Soon I found myself standing a few feet away from a chamber's door. Everything was perfect, literally every single thing except one.

I freaking forgot about the guards.

There were obviously guards there. My God, how did it slip my mind? I was sure they were going to throw me out of here, especially because one of them was looking at me as if he was about to kill me.

I took a shuddering breath, telling my heart to calm down and remain steadfast.

"Miss, who are you and what are you doing here?" The tone of that scary-looking guard told me I was in trouble.

Oh shoot! He was coming towards me. What should I do? I wanted to run but I knew they would catch me.

"Miss, I asked something. Will you tell me, or do you want me to force you to say something?" He said menacingly as he reached me.

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