Will's screams echoed through the room and all the ones waiting outside barged in on hearing him.

Luna sensed another presence in her father's head. Whoever it was had just entered in, a moment later it felt like she was seeing things, they felt like visions, but before she could catch hold of anything that'd help them, the presence ceased, she felt nothing but distress which she knew were her father's thoughts.

Will released his grip on Luna's neck as his senses returned. His eyes widened when he saw red marks where his hand had been on her.

"What've I done?" He looked at the other's and found similar marks on Laura's neck too, but not as much as the ones on Luna. "I'm turning vile," He mumbled, grabbing his head with both of his hands.

"No dad, someone's trying to turn you vile and so far you've been successfully blocking them."

She hugged her father and called her mother to join in too. Will pulled both of them to his chest as he cried.

Luna remembered Alphard screaming her name over and over again. She pulled away from her parents and looked at her mate.

"Why are you like this?" He ran into her arms. She felt nothing, but fear. Fear of losing her to death.

"It's nothing Alphard, I'm all right." She stroked the back of his head.

"I think it'd be best for us to inject silver within our system. Anyone of us could be the target next." Greg suggested.

Luna nodded and went to get the solution and injections from her bag. She prepared and gave the shots to their parents and Greg.

"I'll go give it to uncle Dorian too," She proceeded to leave then remembered that Greg doesn't know about how she and Alphard didn't need the shots. "Alphard, you go prepare two more for us till I return." She announced and the others got her message.

She and Alphard walked together and he pulled her to him the second they were out.

"Stop scaring me every now and then, Luna. I can't take this anymore." He breathed against her neck.

"You think I'm strong?"

"You are,"

"Then why do you fear? I'm not going anywhere Alphard, only death can take me away from you and it isn't coming near me any time before we get old."

"How do you know? It's death we're talking about." He inhaled deeply and buried his face more into the crook of her neck.

"I don't know, but it's a feeling somewhere inside." She said. Alphard exhaled and caressed her, she closed her eyes and tilted her head. "I should go to uncle..."

"Go," He said while continuing what he did.

"Let me,"

"I'm not holding you back to let you go..."

Luna grabbed him by his T-shirt and dragged him to their room. He closed the door with his leg and pushed them forward, but jerked away from her when she winced, only then did he feel the pain at the back of his left hand. He grabbed that hand of hers and examined it. It'd scraped against the counter and had a small cut.

"It'll heal," She shrugged, pulling her hand from his and walked to the cockpit.

"What is it now, Luna?" Dorian asked.

It's only been an hour since she'd been here earlier this evening.

"Being in the cockpit has it's advantages." Luna chuckled at how calmly her uncle was focused on flying the jet while there was so much madness going on behind the door. "I'm here to give you a silver shot." That got Dorian's attention.

Beauty The BeastWhere stories live. Discover now