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Next day

Jisoo was sitting on her usual seat beside jungkook and was waiting for him impatiently . She can't forget yesterday's incident and wasn't able to sleep properly. She was being worried whole night thinking about his condition. Today she wanna clear everything and that's why she was so desperate to get all her answers and so was Taehyung.

Unlike other days Jungkook was quite late . After few minutes the teacher also came and started his lecture but there was no sign of jungkook .
Taehyung saw the nervousness in her eyes and he knew the reason behind it but wasn't so surprised because the reaction was obvious.

Finally all the lectures end but jisoo and Taehyung definitely weren't able to focus even in a single lecture . The tension was clearly visible on their face.

" Tae ! Have you tried calling jungkook ? " Jisoo asked in a worried tone

" Yes jisoo I have tried 5 times but it's coming switched off "

" I have also tried . What should we do ? I am getting very negative feeling"

" I think before jumping onto any conclusion, we should go and check him in his home "

" Yes you are right ! Let's go "

Both of them reached there and started ringing the bell . No one was answering. Then jisoo noticed that the door was locked .

Then they heard the same hoarse voice which they hated the most from their behind .

" What are you both doing here ? "
The man said .

They turned towards him and all they could feel was anger .

" WHERE IS JUNGKOOK ?!!! " Taehyung asked the man in anger

" Oh !! So you are here for that useless brat . Listen boy I don't know where the hell he is and also I don't care afterall he is just an useless garbage who was doing nothing but just utilising our resources for free and thank God finally he left from here . I wish he would never come back and I wish he would die " and as soon as he completed his sentence he felt a sharp punch on his face which was given by Taehyung.


" How can you say like this about your son ?  Are you even human  ? The way you treated him wasn't a human behaviour at all !! You should be ashamed of yourself !! "
Jisoo said with disgust

" Oh pretty lady listen ! You better mind your own business,  and I am his dad so I know what should I do to him and what  not . So kindly keep your nose always from our matter "

" Just tell us clearly where is jungkook otherwise you will definitely don't like the consequences !! " Taehyung asked again

" If you want him so desperately then you can yourself find him but don't send that burden to us again "

" People said right - every child deserve parents but every parents don't deserve child . You should be ashamed to call yourself even a human !! Disgusting!! " Jisoo said .

Both jisoo and Taehyung were searching for him but he was no where to be found . It was already 10 pm in the night and they still couldn't find him .

Jisoo sat and started crying.

" Jungkook !! Where are you ? Pl-please come ba-back ! I will g-give you all y-your fav sand-sandwiches  and ba-banana shake but please don't l-leave us like that !! " Jisoo was sobbing hardly .

Taehyung hugged her in his embrace .
" Jisoo please stop crying ! We will find him. Remember you have only said that when we love someone truly then no matter where he/she is , we find them . So we will also find jungkook . "

They were trying everyday to find him . They have almost searched the whole city within these few days and had contacted almost everyone who all  could help them but still they didn't get even a single clue of him .

Like this weeks were passed , then months , and then a year also passed like a fast flying bird . Their graduation was also in few weeks .

" Jisoo any clue ? " Taehyung asked her with hope in his voice .

Jisoo took a deep sigh and shaked her head in no . There were no words left For her to say .

" Jisoo listen ! We are trying for almost a year and still we didn't got any hint . We will definitely not stop searching for him but I think we shouldn't be sad and enjoy these few days as after few weeks we are going to get graduated . So I think  we should cherish these moments. "

" Yes Taehyung I was also thinking the same . We will not stop our search but atleast we can enjoy these last moments in the university. "

Taehyung smiled at her and both of them went into their classes.

In these last weeks jisoo and Taehyung got a 100s of proposals as before getting graduated all their fanboys and fangirls wanted to confess to them hoping for a chance without knowing they both already have someone else in their heart .

Both of the them were already tired of all these stuffs and we're happy that finally all this is going to end soon but still they will miss all of this .

How these few weeks fly , they didn't realised it . But both of them enjoyed each other's company and filled their heart with all the beautiful memories.
Finally the day of their graduation came .
A farewell party was organised in the university. This time also there was a couple dance performance . Jisoo and Taehyung got paired and this reminded her of jungkook again , the day when they first dance together. But she really enjoyed with Taehyung.

After the party , the graduation ceremony was held .
Students were called to collect their certificate and diploma .
Jisoo was feeling like someone was observing them from behind a tree. When she tried to see it clearly , the person was not there . She was confused.
In the whole event and ceremony she could sense someone eyeing her .
Later she shrugged the thought.
The whole ceremony went very well and all of them bid farewell to each other.

" Today everything went well . I will definitely miss the university" jisoo said while seeing it with a smile.

" Me too " Taehyung said

" BTW what do you want to become ? " Jisoo asked Taehyung

" Tbh , I have always dreamt of becoming a model . "

" Wow !! That's great ! I am sure you will definitely become a great model . Afterall you have got such beautiful looks and body . You are yourself a perfection . You will be a successful model "

" And what about you ? "

" I haven't decided yet but I would like to become your makeup artist or stylist "

Both of them started laughing.

" That's a great idea " Taehyung said while laughing.

* Only a few chapters are left . Hope you will enjoy them also . *

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